Worst magcon day.

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Taylor's POV.
We where out looking for Olivia when I got a text from her.
Baby girl😍❤️💖:hey I'm ok and I could never hate you Taylor! I hid when you guys came in the hotel room, don't tell them I'm here okay. Just come back and cuddle with me😕 please tay.

I insistently felt better, but I had to tell the boys something to calm them down as well. I sent out a group text.
The boys😜😑: hey Olivia is ok I know where she is, im gonna go talk to her but she doesn't want anyone els to know.

I ran to the hotel room and found her laying in bed on her phone. I walked in and shut the door slowly, she was facing the window so she didn't see me. I slid into the bed and put my arms around her.

"Hey beautiful what's going on?" I said with worry, she put her phone on the night stand and turned to me. "Tay do you think in good enough for carter?, I don't know it's just that his fans are so beautiful and amazing; they seem to make him happier then I do.

I was shocked did she really just ask if she was good enough for CARTER?! Is she really doubting how amazing she is?! "Olivia you are more then good enough for carter! He loves his fans and they make him happy but you complete his entire life!" "Aww Taylor I love you, you're always here when I need you."

Olivia's POV.
I felt terrible, I was reading all the hate on twitter. "You'er fat, you're ugly, you're not good enough. Why do the boys even bother with you?" I was starting to tear up when I felt someone's arms snake around me.

Taylor knows what to say to make me feel better and when I asked him if he though I was good enough he basically made me feel like I was the only girl good enough for carter. I was so happy.

Me and Taylor cuddled for a while until both of our phones rang. Carter was calling me and cameron was calling Taylor. We both answered our phones. I walked into the bathroom so we didn't echo. "Hey baby I'm sorry I've had you so worried." "Olivia what's wrong?! Why didn't you want me with you?" "I'm fine I just needed Taylor's err... Umm.. Advice on some stuff." I said trying to sound calm. "Oh well why weren't you answering anyone when they called and texted?"

"Sorry I put my phone on silent." "Okay well where are you two?" He said with sorrow, I felt bad because I know carter loves me but I didn't want to tell him what really happened. "In the hotel room" it was silent. "Carter? You okay?" I said worriedly."yea umm I'm comin I'll be there in 10 okay baby I love you."I love you too carter? Are you sure you-" the line went dead carter hung up on me. "Well that was rude I mumbled to myself.

I walked out of the bathroom and walked up to Taylor who was playing flappy bird. "Hey what did cameron say?" I said while I wrapped my arms around his neck. "He asked if they could come see you now. I said I don't know and for them to ask carter." "Well the boys should be here in 10 with carter, umm thank you for everything tay." "Hey I'm always here for you."

After a while we herd a knock on the door, I got up to get it and as soon as I opened the door all the boys tackled me with hugs."guys I need to breathe" I said out of breath. "DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN OR I SWEAR TO GOD ILL KILL YOU" Nash said while squeezing me tighter. I giggled "ok now let me go please!" He released me and I went right up to carter. "Hey." "Hey how was being alone with Taylor?" Carter looked pissed off, but he also had red puffy eyes and tear stains which broke my heart.

Carter's POV.
I stopped crying after Olivia and I talked on the phone. Now I was pissed and as soon as I went to the hotel with the boys I was ready to snap Taylor's neck.

We got up to their room and the boys turned to me before knocking. "Don't do anything stupid carter we know you love her but her and Taylor are close friends she isn't doing anything wrong calm down!" Nash said with a serious face."I'm fine I swear just knock so I can be with her."

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