Moving in

24 1 0

Timeskip to after school

Anti: So... If you don't mind me asking..... Where do you live?
James: In an apartment with my mom and dad, they can barely keep the room.
Anti: ... I know we literally just met, but if you want you can live with me for awhie
James: REALLY? My eyes lit up with joy
Anti: Yep.
James: Alright, can I move in tomorrow? I smiled
Anti: Of course.
Another timeskip, to James moving in
James: I grabbed my stuff and waved goodbye to my mom and dad
Anti: I drove up to the apartment and waited
James: I raced down the steps excited to see Anti
Anti: I grinned as I saw him running down the steps
James: I got in the car and shut the door, I put my seatbelt on and Anti started driving
Anti: So... Are you excited?
James: Very! I gave off a happy vibe
Anti: I grinned, a good 16 minutes later we arrived at my house
James: I took off the seatbelt and opened the car door to get out
Anti: i did the same
James: I gazed at the house as a wide kooaid smile formed on my face
Anti: I tried to hold back a laugh but couldn't resist
Anti: We started unpacking but I couldn't help but glance at him every now and then

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