Help is on the way

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Warning: This chapter may have things that aren't for kiddos, skip if you don't like that stuff, there's barely any but this chapter might make you break you're screen like I was tempted to do well writing this. If you can handle that, go ahead but keep this warning in mind. Thank you and have a great day


Timeskip to 3 days passed
James: I walked to school terrified. Jimmy said he was going to do something to me today.. I didn't want to know, nor experience what he plans on doing. I wanted to stay by Anti the entire day... When it was lunch Anti would be busy and Storm wasn't here today...
Anti: ... "Are you alright...? You seem a little scared today..."
James: I had to tell him... "Ji-" I was cut off by the bell, we started running to class, sadly jimmy sat next to me
Jimmy: I walked into class, and took my seat, I put my hand on James' leg
Anti: I turned to Jimmy and pulled on his tail
Jimmy: I snarled and removed my hand
James: I had a REALLY uncomfortable feeling
Timeskip to lunch
Jimmy: I sat in class until the bell rang, James and I were the only people in there, I quickly pulled him by the shirt and tossed him onto the wall
James: I fell once I hit the wall
Jimmy: I looked at him smirking, "Cute~" I swayed my tail
James: "S-SHUT UP YOU J-JACKASS" I tried to move
Jimmy: I pinned him down and bit his collar bone
James: I slapped him
Jimmy: "Fighter~" I softly licked his neck
James: I screamed as loud as I could
Anti: I heard screaming coming from the classroom so I began running in that direction
Jimmy: I smirked and bit his collarbone once again, I leaned in to kiss him but was yanked back by the throat by something
Anti: I looked at him furiously as I yanked him off of James, I threw him onto the door
Jimmy: I yowled
James: I curled into a ball in the corner about to cry
Anti: I punched him in the cheek several times, all I could do was watch him suffer the pain. I had no regrets, well besides leaving James with jimmy. That has to be my largest regret
James: I watched Anti punch Jimmy, I didn't like it when Anti had the risk of getting hurt, but Jimmy deserved it.
Jimmy: I laid there in pain, my tail and wolf ears were shredded by him, I just smirked
Anti: I walked over to James and crouched down to face him, "Are you alright...?" I looked at him with a worried expression
James: I sat up and hugged him, I cried on his shoulder "H-He tried to...." I couldn't finish my sentence, I was to terrified. I thought about what could've happened if Anti didn't hear me screaming....
Anti: I wrapped my arms around him and whispered, "Its alright... He won't touch you ever again..." I tried to smile, but how can I even smile when this dumbass touched my best friend? I opened the door and tossed Jimmy out, The werewolves laughed, Demons barely even smirked, angels shook they're heads disapprovingly, and ect.
Anti: I walked out with James on my shoulders as everyone stared. I didn't really care about the staring, to be honest I think it was mostly because they knew I was the one who threw jimmy, and the fact I had his blood on me supported that.

This is a valuable life lesson kiddos, don't fuck with Anti's boyfriend I MEAN BEST FRIEND. Shit he's gonna kill me after I finish this book....

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