I just need comfort

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Jimmy: I ran over to my brother and hugged him, I just needed some comfort...
Anti: "What the fuck?" I shoved him off me
Jimmy: I looked up at him, my face had a red hand print, my shirt ripped, showing knife wounds that must've happened this morning, bruises all around my stomach near the wounds, I was about to cry as I stared into his dark, Hollow, void like eyes.
Anti: I looked at him and covered my mouth
James: I stared at him.. I couldn't say anything... I actually felt sorry for him
Jimmy: Tears slowly began streaming down my cheeks
Anti: "Jimmy... What happened to you....?" I looked down at him
Jimmy: "C-C-Chris...." I covered my face weakly sobbing
Anti: I had a sudden feeling of sympathy, I lowered myself to be able to see his face
Jimmy: I tried to stop, I knew I was attracting attention and that's exactly what I didn't want to do
Anti: I pulled him into a hug
Jimmy: I tugged on his jacket trying to tell him he was hurting me
Anti: I released him from the hug
Jimmy: "J-James..."
James: I snapped out of thought and looked at him
Jimmy: "I-Im so s-sorry... I didn't want to do that to you.... That was unforgivable.. I just wanted to apologize for what I did on that day... It took c-c-" I was cut off my james' finger
James: I put my finger on his lips to shush him "It's alright... Its not like you actually did you know what to me... Well, at least you got stopped before it."
Zeke: I ran over to them with my lil' fallen angel/Masked boy
Anti: I looked up at them as they gave me the, "Is it safe to go near him?" Look, I nodded
Zeke: I slowly approached Jimmy
Jimmy: I looked up at Zeke and smiled, as painful as it was, I got up and hugged him, I also pulled masked boy into the hug
Zeke: I laughed and hugged him back
Masked boy: I twitched and hesitated to return the hug
Jimmy: "Thank you so much... I don't know what Chris would've done to me if you hadn't shown up..."
Chris: I had a throbbing pain all over, Well... Mostly where Jimmy hit me... "Jimmy...." I'll make him suffer for what they did to me... I couldn't help but laugh. He'll suffer the pain those freaks caused me...

Yay, less reason to hate jimz for what he did ='3 Jimmy... Meh poor child... Anyway I hope you're enjoying these sorry exuses for chapters! I'll go back to my hole and continue writing now, Bai!

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