Truth or dare

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Anti: I came back into the room carrying James
James: I banged my fists on his back "PUT MEH DOWN!!!!" I whined
Anti: I set him down on the couch
James: Hmph!
Jimmy: "Anti, truth or dare?"
Anti: I smirked "Dare bish."
Jimmy: "You just fucked up." I laughed "Anti, I dare you to take you're shirt and pants off" I smirked
Jimmy: "I see that. That's why I dared you to do that."
Anti: "You jackass."
Jimmy: "I prefer dumbass."
James: "I'll cover my eyes if you'd like."
Anti: "P-please..?
James:" Aww... Okie..." I covered my eyes
Anti: I hesitated before I slowly slipped off my shirt "Do I have to..?"
Jimmy: "Unless you want James to look, yep."
Anti: "Fak off. I don't care if James sees me shirtless, its when I'm in my boxers."
Jimmy: "Ugh. You can uncover you're eyes James"
James: I uncovered my eyes and looked at Anti
Storm: "Why isn't he blushing?"
Anti: "... Its not the first time... He sees me shirtless every day..." 😣
Storm: I just looked at him 😏
Anti: "ANYWAY, Storm, truth or dare?"
Storm: "Dare."
Anti: "I dare you to lick a wall."
Storm: I simply licked a wall, then walked back and sat down again. "James, truth or dare?"
James: "Dare."
Storm: "I dare you to hug Anti."
James: "While he's shirtless...?"
Storm: "Yep."
James: "Alright." I slowly walked up to him and hugged him
Anti: I returned the hug
Jimmy: "Cute."
Anti: I put my middle finger up to him
Jimmy: "Using the magical finger on me eh? Well fuck you to."
James: "Jimmy truth or dare?"
Jimmy: "Dare."
James: "I dare you to apologize to Anti."
Jimmy: "I'm sorry Anti."
Anti: "You're forgiven." 😂
Jimmy: I smirked "James truth or dare?"
James: "D-dare.."
Jimmy: "I dare YOU to take you're shirt off in front of Anti." 😏
Anti: "Fuck you Jimmy."
James: I slowly slipped my pastel shirt off
Anti: I turned away as I felt James grab my arm
James: "Shadow, truth or dare?"
Shadow: "Dare"
James: "I dare you... To tell me who you'd most definitely friend zone in this group."
Shadow: "I'd definitely friend zone you and Anti."
Anti: "Fair enough."
Jimmy: "Wow, it's really late. I pointed out the time"
Anti: "Ya think? Well you guy's go head to bed." I dragged Jimmy off the couch and flopped down on it "Night."
Jimmy: "Night asshole." I walked to the room I was staying in and flopped onto the bed
Shadow: I followed and flopped on the other bed
James: I walked into the room Anti assigned me and storm and laid down on the bed
Storm: I laid down on the second bed, we all began drifting off to sleep
*2 hours later*
James: I silently tiptoed out of the room seeing storm was asleep, I walked into the living room and saw Anti sleeping. I carefully laid down next to him and cuddled
Anti: I opened my eyes and wrapped my free arm around him
James: I looked up at him and smiled, I then leaned toward his face and kissed him
Anti: I smiled at him as we drifted back off to sleep

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