A beggining of a friendship

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Anti: I laid on the floor still bleeding
James: I ran out of a classroom with Mr. Williams
Mr. Williams: His first day here and he's already hurt his brother.... I mumbled
James: "Stop talking about jimmy and help him!" I frowned
Mr. Williams: "HEY don't yell at me." I snapped, I calmed a bit "I'm sorry, just calm down okay?"
James: "okay..."
Mr. Williams: I carried the student to the nurse with no problem
Anti: I whined as he carried me, I didn't like being carried I'm usually the one carrying other people. No matter how much it hurt my arms, I weakly hit his back trying to get him to let go of me
Mr. Williams: I shook my head and arrived at the nurses office, I set him down gently on the nurse's medical bed and left
Nurse Hill: "Hello Ant-" I stopped talking when I saw the damage done to him, I put my hand over my mouth "What happened!?!?!?" I looked at him worriedly
Anti: "J-just a little f-f..." I couldn't finish my sentence, it hurt way too much to talk right now
Nurse Hill: "You have to go home and rest!" I suggest a fee days to recover.
Anti: I could barely shrug
Nurse Hill: I began to make a call, a good 17 minutes in, Anti was heading home.
Anti: I arrived home and flopped down on my bed, Nurse Hill managed to stopped the bleeding well I waited for the car. The pain was throbbing in my jaw and cheek.
James: I sat in Language Arts class bored, I never thought about how boring and quiet it was without Anti... It seemed like hours before the bell rang, I walked to grab my books and saw jimmy, I looked away in disgust as I saw him walking towards me, luckily the new girl showed up just in time.
Storm: Hey James.
Jimmy: I looked to James and smirked, "Well, if it isn't the school snitch?" I laughed
James: "Back off."
Jimmy: I lifted him by the shirt, "What was that?"
Storm: "Let go of him."
Jimmy: I looked to her "Excuse me?"
Storm: "Did I stutter?"
Jimmy: "I admire you're bravery, maybe you should join my group." I handed an invitation to her
Storm: I quickly ripped it up in front of him without hesitation
Jimmy: "So fiesty, I like it." I lifted her chin
James: I quickly punched him in the stomatch
Jimmy: I stumbled back, my stomach had a alarmingly painful sensation "I didn't think a teachers pet like you would be able to punch that h-hard." I started feeling sick so I walked away
Storm: "That guy's a real jackass."
James: "That's basically his definition."
Storm: "I have Science class next... What about you?"
James: "Same thing!" I smiled
Storm: "We gotta hurry up!" I ran off
James: I grabbed my needed materials and followed

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