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Chris: I got up and walked out. I was immediately the center of attention. I watched Jimmy from a distance "You'll get you're share of agony soon Jimmy-Bear~" I whispered to myself as I smiled
Jimmy: I looked over to see Chris's onyx and crimson eyes staring at me as he smiled, I tugged on Anti's sleeve and pointed to him, knowing my brother was the Alpha, I felt more protected
Chris: I saw the Alpha male's gaze turn toward me, piercing threw my soul, basically the gaze a brother gives you of you hurt they're younger sibling. Wait.. No... Jimmy isn't...?
Anti: "That small piece of shit is him?"
Jimmy: I nodded
Anti: I cracked my knuckles and approached
Chris: "Fuck" I said to myself before running
Anti: "I love the prey that runs!" I turned Into a wolf and chased after him
James: ... He's an actual werewolf...?
Jimmy: "Yup! ... He didn't tell you?"
James: "Nope..."
Jimmy: "He don't like to tell people so, that makes sense. I just thought he would've told you."
James: My face lit up as a thought came to mind "Wait.. DOES THAT MEAN HE HAS WOLF EARS?!?!?" I smiled widely
Jimmy: "Yep.."
Jimmy: "Yep. Every werewolves ears are fluffy. Well... Mine aren't that fluffy because he shredded my tail and ears." I smiled
James: "So.... Can you turn into a wolf..?"
Jimmy: "Yep!"
James: "Can you show me?"
Jimmy: "Sure!" I turned into meh wolf form, I had a coffee colored top coat, and a russet underbelly wheat colored muzzle, and my paws were also colored wheat, my eyes were a tan and a ocean blue. I sat in front of him and wagged my tail
James: "AWWWWWH!" I couldn't help but pet him
Jimmy: My ears perked up as I heard our alpha howl, I got up and ran outside were he was, being followed by many other wolves
Anti: I chased him down with the pack, soon enough we ran him over like a car runs over a pillow
Chris: I screamed and put my hands over my head
Anti: We surrounded him as I stepped forward, Jimmy took my spot so there was no way to escape,Before I could lay a paw on him Mrs. Hill, our principal, walked out. The wolves ran inside and I was left standing there on all four paws, "I'm screwed" I thought to myself, I didn't notice that Jimmy was still there
Mrs. Hill: "What is going on out here!?!?"
Jimmy: I quickly ran up to her and changed into a human, I still had the wounds and bruises, also the red mark on my face for evidence
Mrs. Hill: ! "Jimmy!? What happened!?"
Anti: I changed into a human and walked to my brother, in case he needed someone to hug
Jimmy: I quickly started tearing up "C-Chris hit me and... he tried to... Touch me..." Tears streamed down my cheeks "A-Anti was p-protecting me...."
Mrs. Hill: "Oh my..." I looked at Chris "Is this true Chris?"
Chris: "Well.. Y-yeah b-"
Mrs. Hill: "Meet me in my office..." I got up and walked inside, to my office.
Chris: I smiled at Jimmy and walked up to him, ignoring the fact Anti was there I licked his neck
Jimmy: I shivered, but then spat on his face
Anti: I put Jimmy on my shoulders so Chris couldn't hit him for doing that
Chris: Ugh... I wiped my face and walked to the office

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