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Sorry about this, hope you didn't think that this was a chapter and got pissed cause it wasn't. Anyway sorry for the slow updates, mah life decided to be a bitch. Besides that, ima complain about my life 0:)
So, it all happened a few days ago, with My mom, wait lemme fix that "Mom" decided to call my sister, and her being the bitch she is, she tells my sister to, "Go fuck herself, go to hell, you're a slut" and dis  ho thinks I'm still gonna fucking be cool with her. So she tries going crying to me like, "O she called me a slut! She told me to go to hell! She said go fuck yourself! *sob*" I respond to this fuckin nightmare like "Okie bitch, now listen to me sweet cheeks. I heard everything you're barbie doll lookin ass told my sister, and I know what my sister said, so go be a giant ho somewhere else alright?" I then hung up, you guys are probably reading this like: "O! You shouldn't call you're mom that! She's not a h-" Lemme stop you there. She was actually, a fuckin ho. When me and my sister were younger, dis  bitch would bring back a different dude every fucking night. She'd lock us in our room and tell us to play. And all I'd hear coming from her faking room is moans, and other shit. And I'm just sitting there covering my little sisters ears like, "Oh my god... Why do I have to live with this woman" 😒👈 Anyway, there's my little drama life. I hope to speak to you again, O! And please read Rainone's book. Its a really good book, I recommend it. Besides that, thank you for taking the time to read this, have a great day/night/afternoon! Bye!

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