Arrow: my smile faded as I looked at him
Maskie: I smirked
Arrow: "Another fucking mask? Are you serious?"
Maskie: "Very serious."
Arrow: I ripped the mask off to reveal... Another mask..."WHAT THE FUCK?" I ripped it off and revealed ANOTHER FUCKING MASK "HOW MANY FUCKING MASKS ARE YOU WEARING?"
Maskie: "Enough."
Arrow: "Ugh, fine you can keep the mask"
Maskie: I smiled
Arrow: I quickly ripped the mask off and finally revealed his face
Maskie: "Uh.... Well shit."
Arrow: I stared at him, looking at his charcoal colored hair and chocolate colored eyes
Maskie: "Um... Hellooooo? Anybody there?" I waved my hand in front of her face
Arrow: I shook my head and walked back up to the kitchen to put the blade away
Maskie: "Wow... Everything's not, dark." I looked around the house
Arrow: I came back down and casually turned the TV on
Maskie: I looked over and began watching
*timeskip to midnight*
Maskie: I rolled over and saw Arrow was asleep, I quickly got off the floor and looked around,
Arrow: I rolled over
Maskie: I slowly scooted away, noticing I was right next to her, I looked down at my body hoping she didn't do what I think she did, I sighed out of relief seeing she didn't
Arrow: I woke up as I felt my body hit something
Maskie: I looked down at her
Arrow: "Uh. I can explain." I quickly scooted away and sat up
Maskie: "Please do."
Arrow: "I was uh, cold, and you were the warmest thing I could find..."
Maskie: "So, you were cold, and decided to snuggle up to me while I was asleep, expecting me to be cool with that, after you just kidnapped me.. What da fuck?"
Arrow: "I'm sorry...."
Maskie: "If you were sorry I'd be out the door."
Arrow: "Ugh, fine. I wouldn't be able to take care of you anyway." I shrugged
Maskie: I pointed to the door
Arrow: I rolled my eyes and opened the door
Maskie: I casually walked out like nothing happened, I put my hands in my pockets and slowly made my way down the street, it was muddy, cold, and puddles we're everywhere. I guess it rained. I avoided anyone out on the street this late at night, I ran into a few people along the way who offered me a ride, I kindly rejected them. I think the one I trusted the most was the priest, but then again, he did seem kinda sketchy. Soon enough I made it to Zeke's house.
Zeke: I stayed awake, my eyes were wide open thinking about how my fallen angel is.
Maskie: I softly knocked on the door
???: I opened the door "Hello?"
Maskie: "H-hi Mrs. Milner."
Mrs. Milner: I looked down at him and smiled "I'm glad you're safe and here, Zeke has been worrying about you all night. I think he's still awake, come on in."
Maskie: I walked in
Mrs. Milner: I shut the door and locked it like I do every night "He's upstairs in his bedroom."
Maskie: "Alright, thank you." I began walking up the stairs
Zeke: I rolled off my bed "CRA-" I landed on the floor making a thud
Maskie: I hurried up and ran down the hallway
Zeke: "Ow." I rubbed my cheek
Maskie: I gently knocked on the door
Zeke: "Mom i'm fine."
Maskie: I laughed and copied Mrs. Milner's voice, "Are you sure?"
Zeke: "Yes I am"
Maskie: "Zeke, please open the door, you're fallen angel is here to see you." I silently laughed
Zeke: I quickly got up and opened the door
Maskie: "Hey Zeke." I held my mask in my hand
Zeke: "Maskie...?"
Maskie: "Yep?"
Zeke: I quickly wrapped my arms around him and lifted him into the air smiling like an idiot
Maskie: "I lo-" I coughed poking him, trying to say I needed air
Zeke: I loosened my grip and set him down
Maskie: "I missed you." I smiled
Zeke: "I missed you too."
Maskie: "Well, I'm kinda locked out of my house for tonight... My parents are asleep and they lock the doors..."Zeke: "Well that sucks. You can stay here tonight though!"
Maskie: "I think you should ask you're moms first."
Zeke: "Oh right." I quickly ran downstairs into the living room
Maskie: I waited in the hallway
Zeke: I quickly ran back up "They said you can stay!" I said with a big koolaid smile

Yellowshade High
RandomYellow shade High is a highschool where demons, Angels, Werewolves, and ect. Learn to work together. Anti and James are one of the many students who go here. Jimmy is just a bully at the school looking for nothing but trouble. That jackass... Quest...