Anti: I woke up and rolled over to see James sleeping. I carefully got out of bed to get dressed
James: I yawned, and opened my eyes slowly, only to see Anti still getting dressed...
Anti: I turned to him as I slipped on my jeans Uh... "Morning sunshine..." I tried covering my torso with my shirt
James: I just stared at him "Its not like that's the first time I've seen you shirtless Anti...."
Anti: I backed out of the room and put my shirt on in the hallway
James: "I actually enjoyed when he didn't wear his shirt..." I thought to myself and shrugged I didn't wanna get out of bed, but I forced myself up and got ready
Anti: After I completed the morning routine, I walked into the kitchen and got out two bowls, I then poured a equal amount of Fruit Loops into them, and lastly, poured the milk.
James: I walked out of the room, immediately Anti handed me a bowl of cereal "Thank you." I sat down next to him and ate
Anti: I would continue to glance at him every now and then
James: I took my bowl into the kitchen and rinsed it out in the sink
Anti: I copied, and soon ran out the door with James
James: I looked on the other side of the street and saw Jimmy, I tugged on Anti's sleeve and pointed
Anti: I looked and saw him, "Jimmy!" I shouted
Jimmy: I turned to see them and waved, I crossed the street soon after
Chris: I put my hoodie over my head and followed
Jimmy: I was in front of Anti as we walked, James was walking beside me
Anti: I did this so they had a lesser chance of Chris touching them
Chris: I accidentally grabbed Anti's arm
Anti: I turned and punched him
Anti: "Don't touch me demon boy."
Jimmy: I turned to see Chris and Anti
Anti: "Keep walking, I'll be there in a sec."
James: I continued walking
Jimmy: I followed
Anti: I quickly turned into a wolf and bit him viciously
Chris: I kicked at him
Anti: I dragged him into a nearby alleyway and ripped his shirt, I tore threw the flesh on his stomach, I turned back into a demon, punched all around his stomach to leave bruises, and then slapped him. "Regret hurting him yet?" I smiled
Chris: I nodded, I only nodded to make it stop
Anti: I walked out of the alleyway and back to school, I put my jacket on to hide his blood
Jimmy: I wonder what's taking Anti so long.
James: I'm getting worried....
Anti: I walked inside and sat down next to them
James: I hugged him
Anti: "Uh...." I awkwardly returned the hug
Jimmy: "You guys are adorable together!"
Anti: ....
James: "Thanks!"
Jimmy: "You're welcome!" I smiled
Storm: I walked in and saw Jimmy, I then rolled my eyes "Is he harming you guys?"
James: I shook my head no "He's alright with us."
Storm: I gave him a surprised expression " were you brain washed?"
Anti: I sighed and let go of James "Story time I assume,"
Storm: I sat down
*Timeskip to after the story because I don't want to murder you*
Storm: "Really...? Jimmy... Did that really happen...?"
Jimmy: I lifted my shirt a lil' to reveal the wounds and bruises
Storm: I covered my mouth
Jimmy: I lowered it
Shadow: I walked in and saw them, I quickly waved
Anti: I waved back
Shadow: I walked over to them, and saw whoever he was
Jimmy: "H-hi....."

Yellowshade High
De TodoYellow shade High is a highschool where demons, Angels, Werewolves, and ect. Learn to work together. Anti and James are one of the many students who go here. Jimmy is just a bully at the school looking for nothing but trouble. That jackass... Quest...