Im sorry

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Anti: We both walked back to the others holding hands, Jimmy watched from a distance
James: I hated when Jimmy watched us, he had a smirk on his face that gave me the chills
Anti: When Jimmy walked past us, I would pull James a lil' closer, I didn't want Jimmy anywhere near him.
Jimmy: To be honest, I don't know why James still feared me, was it my Grin? I'm only happy my little brother is the alpha... Did I really scare him that badly...? I couldn't help it.... Cause I definitely didn't want to do that. I wanted to apologize.. Damn you....
Anti: I watched as his smirk faded into a frown
Jimmy: I could feel it's presence, I tried to ignore it but I felt that same icy, touch on my leg
???: "Hey jimmy~"
Jimmy: I didn't want to move.. He'd hit me..
???:"Why so frightened Jimmy-bear~?"
Jimmy: "Don't call me that you fucking fail of a demon..." I mumbled
???: "Attitude today~?" I smiled
Jimmy: "Fuck... You... You heartless monster, you made me do that to him... Why...?"
???: "I just wanted to see how he'd react, after all... I wouldn't make you do anything else to him, you're mine only~"
Jimmy: "I belong to none." I snapped
???: "Oh really~?" I pulled him onto my lap
Jimmy: "Don't you fucking dare...."
???: "What? You think I'll touch you wrongly? Not here I wont~" I smiled as I dragged him by the hoodie
Jimmy: I grabbed my throat as he dragged me by my hoodie "You're c-choking me" I coughed
???: I stopped and placed him on my back
Jimmy: "No wait! I'd rather be choked! It means I don't have to fucking deal with you!" I whined as I pounded on his back
???: I dragged him into the boys restroom
Jimmy: I grabbed onto the wall and tried screaming, but I couldn't
???: "Stop fighting back! It won't help~!" I snapped
Jimmy: My arms grew weak as I let go, I prayed someone would find me and help...
Masked boy: I could hear a silent scream "Zeke... I heard someone screaming..."
Zeke: "What? Were?"
Masked boy: I pointed to the restroom
Zeke: "Let's see what's going on!" I quickly ran, Masked, following behind me
???: I unbuttoned his flannel shirt slowly, I could see the fear in his eyes "Come on jimmy, you know you want to~"
Jimmy: "Fuck you c-chris...." I whispered
Masked boy: I yelled "H-HEY WHAT DO Y-YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?!?"
Chris: I looked up "Fuck" I looked down at jimmy as he was tearing up, I then looked back "Having fun~ wanna join~?" I smiled
Jimmy: I shook my head and mouthed "No" to them I then mouthed, "Please help..."
Chris: I looked down at Jimmy with a mad expression, I then slapped him
Jimmy: My cheek turned red as I put my hand on it
Zeke: I ran over and ripped the guy off him
Masked boy: "Run jimmy!"
Jimmy: I got up "but first.." I punched Chris in the.... Well, let's say where the sun don't shine, I ran
Chris: I feel to the floor biting my lip
Zeke: I grabbed masked boy's hand and ran
Masked boy: I ignored the fact he was holding my hand

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