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~Everyone has their own ways of expression. I believe we all have a lot to say, but finding ways to say it is more than half the battle~ Criss Jami


Standing in the movie theater line with Tyler, Shawn, Olivia, and her boyfriend Brandon; the cold air sinks through the fabric of my clothing, nipping at my skin.

Even though its mid-may here in Washington, we don't get much of a summer. Brandon has his arms wrapped around Olivia to keep her warm, and Tyler stands beside me with his hands in his jacket pockets, rocking back and forth on his feet in impatience for the long line. Shawn is in front of us speaking to Liv, who still clings onto Brandon's broad swimmers frame.

"What are we seeing again?" Tyler asks me, making me look up to him. His blonde hair is covered by a navy blue beanie, the black jacket he wears bringing out the dark specks in his light green eyes.

"Titanic." I respond to him, making him puff up his cheeks with air.

"Great, you're going to cry aren't you?" He asks me after blowing out the air from his cheeks, making me release a small laugh.

"Probably." I tell him, and that makes him chuckle a bit.

"Your nose is like, bright pink." Tyler tells me as we move forward in line, and I tilt my face down into my scarf.

His arm wraps around the back of my shoulders, pulling me in at a safe distance to his side.

"It really is getting colder by the day, yeah?" He asks me, while running the span of his hand up and down my upper arm to bring me warmth.

"It really is." I agree. With him touching me like this, it isn't weird at all. Since we've known each other since second grade, I can know that he does this as only friendship.

"Hey guys, c'mon." Shawn turns to gain our attention, waving her hand as a signal for us to walk with them.

After finally paying for our movie ticket, we enter the theater and Tyler drops his arm from around me. I catch up with Shawn who walks by herself, and Tyler joins us as we enter the theater room where our movie is playing. Liv and Brandon sit at the end of the aisle, Tyler and Shawn sat on either side of me. Shawn leans over to speak to Olivia who is on the other side of her, and I unwrap my scarf from around my neck.

"Have you started studying for the Bio exam?" Tyler asks me as the commercials begin to play on the big screen, making me look over to him.

"Yeah, have you?" I ask him.

He shakes his head, and I refrain from telling him that it's only a few weeks away and that he should get started on that. I only rest my head back against the seat, becoming comfortable. Tyler and I sat in silence through the rest of the commercials as Shawn, Liv, and Brandon spoke to one another.

Halfway through the movie, Tyler got up to go pee and Shawn decided she wanted popcorn, so that left me with Liv and Brandon, who, were at that moment making out. I puff my cheeks up with air as I try and block them out of my peripheral vision, focusing on the scene of Rose and Jack that plays on the screen right now.

Tyler stepped on my feet on the way back in, making him whisper sharp sorry's, while the people in front of us turned to glare at us two. Shawn shared her popcorn with me when she came back, and a while later we were both shoving hands with salty tears on them from wiping our eyes and cheeks into the large popcorn tub. Tyler only laughed at us quietly, which made me elbow him for ruining the dramatic moment.

"This happens every time." Shawn sniffles as we exit the dark theater, rubbing at her red rimmed eyes. Liv was too busy kissing her boyfriend to pay attention to the film, so she hadn't cried at all.

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