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~You are a
hurricane of
a girl;
to breath
every once
and a while,
do not drown
within your
own storm~

I think I saw you smile once, Emma Bieker

Song of the chapter- I never told you by Colbie Calliat

AN: Just so you know, this POV of Joey if of when Harry is at the grocery store from the last chapter:)


Dead grass is felt between my fingers and there are grass stains on my jeans from sitting in the same spot for so long. Maybe they are there from falling a few times while trying to hike up here alone, but I'll say it's just from sitting for my benefit. The sun is out on this august afternoon, but it is still chilly enough to wear my sweater. I know the sun has fallen where Harry is, and pat my pockets to realize I've left my phone in my car down the trail. Hopefully Harry hasn't tried to call, because I will have missed it. After a while of just sitting, I stand up and walk over to the water across from me. I remember seeing Harry sitting right where I was just sat, while I walked over to this little river to explore, hearing him chuckle at me when I almost fell.

It's not until I laugh a little that I realize I'd been smiling at the nice memory. I tie my hair back as I squat down at the edge of the river, letting my hand slip into the water, feeling the coldness of it.

This was Harrys place to come and be alone, he said to me once. So maybe now that he isn't here, it can be mine. The smooth flow of the water is a calming sound, making me appreciate the silence around me. I rest in it, taking it in gratefully. Because my mind hasn't been silent all morning, ever since my parents left for work I was alone, so I decided to go somewhere better to be alone at least. I wonder what Harry is up to at this moment, wondering if I would be able to call him even though it is already around eight or nine in the evening there. I stay for a while longer, and when I start the walk back down I miss the hand that used to be here to keep me stable. There are scrapes on my palms when I'm sat back down in my car, along with a small tear on my sweater from stupid branches.

I instantly dig in my purse for my phone, praying I hadn't missed a call from him. But sadly I have, and immediately tap the H to return the call. It rings and rings, and I bite the inside of my cheek as I almost give up and end the call. But then the ringing stops, and a smile lights up my face as I hear his voice.

"Josephine." He greets, making me roll my eyes.

A few cars pass by my car parked on the side of the road, my eyes staring absently out the windshield.

"How are you?" I ask him, not just to say it like some people, but actually curious of it.

"Uh, fine. As good as I can be carrying bags of groceries on the sidewalk." He chuckles.

"You're out getting groceries that late?" I wonder.

"At eight thirty? Yeah."

Hearing his laugh makes me feel better, knowing he's at least okay, just as I.

"I can let you go, if your hands are full." I tell him, even though I do not mean the words one bit.

"No, no. It's okay." He answers.

"So how's it been so far? How is Jess's apartment?" I ask him.

"It's all alright, I mean, the place is small, but it will do for the time being." He tells me.

"Shit." I hear him say abruptly, and then there's a few sounds of shuffling on the other end.

"A fucking apple fell out of the bag." I hear him say, and laugh into the silence of my car.

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