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~I'm too shy to tell you how I feel, so I'll hide behind timid smiles and soft hellos. I'm afraid if I ask you, "what do you think of me?" your reply will be, "I don't"~ m.k


Harrys black truck across the street from my house is something I never thought I'd see. And as he steps out of his truck now, I almost cringe as I see a joint between his fingers, before he lets it fall to the floor when he reaches my driveway, stepping on it with his foot. I was about to tell him that he can't just leave that on my driveway, but he kicks it into the street. I begin to walk up to my house, and hear him following.

"I didn't know you lived in a damn mansion." Harry speaks, and I look over my shoulder to him as I unlock the door.

Next, I look to my house. The two story structure with beautiful windows, and the large patio had became something so familiar to me, that it doesn't strike me as something extravagant. But when someone new comes over, it reminds me that not everybody lives somewhere like this.

"I wouldn't say it's a mansion." I dismiss the comment, and open the door for us to go inside.

"Compared to my house it is." He tells me, and I don't say anything as I take off my shoes and place them next to each other by the door.

Harry kicks his own off, and when he leaves them scattered carelessly on the floor and lets his eyes wander around my house while taking his sweater off, I lean down and place them beside mine. I take my own jacket off, and place it on the hook by the door. Harry attempts to do the same, I'm surprised, but he misses the hook and it falls to the floor. He doesn't seem to care, or maybe doesn't notice because he walks further into my living room. So I hang it up properly and begin to make my way to the kitchen.

"You've got to be kidding me." I hear Harry say, and turn around to look at him from my kitchen.

From the open view of my living room from from the kitchen, I can see him standing in front of the wooden entertainment center, where a flat screen tv is placed, and where my fathers precious stereo system rests. I stand onto my tiptoes to grab a mug from the cabinet above my head.

When I turn back around after making my cup of coffee, Harry is rested in one of the wooden chairs at the dining table. It is an odd place to see him at. Where my mother, father and I usually eat dinner together. He's sat in my fathers seat, which is right across from my usual chair. I set my mug down across from him before retrieving my math book, and Harry his history book.

"Where's your parents?" He asks me out of curiosity.

"They're both gone on business trips." I tell him.

We dived into reading right away, and it was quiet besides the turning of pages and the sipping of my coffee. I feel wide awake now, well, my eyes do. The rest of me feels heavy. My eyes hurt from memorizing equations and formulas, and I was just about to throw the book across the room; metaphorically, until Harry speaks up.

"How do you know Tyler?"

I look up to him, and shrug my shoulders at his odd question.

"He's been my friend since second grade." I tell him simply. I wrap my hands around my warm coffee mug, when he scoffs.

"Friend." He repeats with a laugh.

"He is my friend." I retaliate.

"From what I've seen, he wants more than friends." He tells me. I shake my head instantly. What makes him bring up these awkward subjects? Is it just to make me uncomfortable?

"You don't know what you're talking about. Tyler doesn't like me, we are just really close." I conclude, and when he chuckles again at my words, I sigh, and sit back in my chair. Maybe it's my turn to ask him questions.

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