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[Jungkook's POV]

I am in my bed, trying to fall asleep. I am trying to realise what just happened today. I am trying to take all the things and sort them out. It's not working. First, I have a lot of questions. This whole scenario does not make sense. Why would they pare us with a girl group.. I am sure not all of our fans will like this idea.

I, personally, do not have a problem with this.. actually I couldn't be more happier. I was dying from excitement when I heard the news, it was so overwhelming, but after I started thinking more and more about it, I found some things that weren't really ok. It's not fair that only four of us will get to participate in this, this is a way to promote all the group, not only some of the members.

"Hey, JK.. can't sleep?" Tae asked me.

"How could I?"

"I know, bro, it's a lot to take in but look at the bright side?"

"And which one is that?" I asked sarcastically.

"Lisa." He whispered.

"Oh, come on, how many times do I have to say it? I don't like her in that way. Why does everything have to lead to me liking her? It could be nice if we grew as friends first, I want to get to know her."

"So.. what's stopping you?"


I don't want to mess up my life or her life. That's why the best thing for all of us, not just me and Lisa is to keep it professional. They just debuted so they have to built their way to the top and we.. we are having our best time, I don't want to ruin it with unnecessary scandals.

"You know there are ways to hide, right?"

"I don't know and I don't want to find out. Now, let me sleep!" I said.

"You know.. you may regret not trying later."

I don't feel comfortable talking about these things. For me, the fans come first. They helped us and made us who we are now, I don't want to disappoint them. There's always time for dating in the future, now I plan to make myself known enough.. like GD hyung and BIGBANG.

-- the next day--

"Guys, today we will go to YG's!" said our manager.

"Ahhh, whyyy?" cried Hobi hyung.

"Not all of you will go."

"Then who?" I asked.

"Taehyung, Yoongi, Jimin and you, Jungkook."

"So who's paired with who?" asked Rapmon.

"What do you mean, hyung?" I asked.

"There are four of you and four of them, naturally, my guess is that you will be paired with each other."

"He's right, for now, we decided only on one pair which is Lisa and Jungkook, as you all expected."

"Ohhhhh, I feel like we are about to lose our maknae!" Jin hyung likes to exagerate a loooot.

"Ok, kids, this is enough, you'll get all of your questions answered at YG so let's not waste more time and go!"

-at YG-


As we walked thru the corridors I could see the difference between my company and this one. This had that expensive vibe whereas our company had a more warm and a home like feeling, I guess it's because that's what I'm used to tho I wouldn't mind coming here more often.

"Ahh, boys! Welcome to YG, I'm Yang Hyunsuk." This is the person who owns this, the person who created my favorite artists.

We all bowed and then he made a sign to enter into a room.

It was a recording studio, it wasn't big but it wasn't small either, it was perfect. I'm surprised this one is actually giving me a warm feeling.

"Yaa, are the two guys sitting at the table Teddy and GD hyung?" Tae whispered in my ear.

My heart was beating faster and faster, he is right.. the two legends are right in front of us!

We introduced ourselves and then we bowed.

"It was nice meeting you but I have to go! Good luck!" GD is so cool.

Teddy started praising us, saying how he never saw a group like us. It feels nice, getting acknowledged by people like him.

After a while the girls finally got here.

But she was no where to be seen.

"It's nice to see you but where is Lisa?" I asked.

They all started looking at each other, not sure if they should answer the question. Weird.

"She wasn't feeling good so she wanted to stay at the dorm. I think she has a cold." said Jennie.

"Then, should we go to your dorm?" Yoongi hyung asked.

"That's right, since she's a vital element in our collaboration." said Jimin.

YG's face looked more and more uncomfortable. Nah, this doesn't feel right, there's something going on.

"There is absolutely no need for Lisa's presence today since we want to test if there's any chemistry between you. I'm sure we all have seen the chemistry between her and Jungkook." said YG

"What does that mean?" asked Tae.

"First of all, I want you and Rosé to sing together. We need to check first if you're right for each other. We plan on doing three parts for a special stage at MAMA."

"Three parts?" I asked

"Rap. Dance. Singing and we want a special stage for Lisa and you."

"So who has what?" asked Jimin

"We thought that Taehyung, Rosé, Jimin and Jisoo would be great for the singing part."

"Jungkook is a good singer, I think you should include him in this." said Tae.

"We have something else prepared for him and Lisa.  Oh, and Jennie and Lisa will rap."

"I thought Lisa was with Jungkook?" our manager asked.

"Of course she is, but we can't exclude her from the rap part."

"Then I guess you can't exclude Jungkook from the singing part." our manager said.

There was a big tension in the room. The girls weren't saying anything. They were just quietly watching all of this. Is this how they were teached to do? This seems fishy. The weirdest part is Lisa's absence.  We weren't even announced about that so I'm guessing it was a decision they made in the last minute.

"Ok, Jungkook will be in the singing part." said YG

"I'll do my best!" I said.

"We all will do our best." said Jisoo

After this conversation Tae and Rosé went into the recording room. They had to sing 'If you'. It sounded angelic, Tae's deep voice going with Rosé's unique tone, it felt extraterrestrial. I've never heard something like this before.

"Ok, Jimin and Jisoo now, you guys are n-"

Teddy was interrupted by the girl who smashed into the door. She was heavily breathing, sign she ran really hard to get here. Her messy blonde hair was covering her face.

I instinctively stood up and walked in front of her. I brushed the hair that was covering her face. Her cheeks were puffy and pink. Her big eyes were fixing me.

She was confused.

"Jungkook  sshi.. what are you doing?" she asked me.

I don't know.

[A/N I'm sorry for not updating for so long but I am here now. I hope you guys like where the story is going.]

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