Harry meets Hera

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Harry's POV

Help me out here! These weird things kept attacking Hogwarts despite its magical borders. I thought maybe they're from the Forbidden Forest, but no, there are no snake women, or dracaena something or other in the Forbidden Forest. And those demon dogs, I mean, I've seen some big dogs, like Fang the boarhound, but those dogs make Fang look like a cute, cuddly shihtzhu. 

I was taking watch at the borders just in case those monsters attack again.

I almost dozed off, when I notice a woman in front of me. I raise my wand but she just smiled at me.

"Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. I see that the rumors we hear from Olympus are true." she told me, still smiling. She had chocolate-brown hair and a warm smile, and she was wearing a white toga. I tried not to stare at her and focused on attacking in case things got, uhhm, messy.

"Who are you?" I ask her, my voice shaking a bit. Truth be told, she scared me more than the monsters did. She radiates a kind of power that I know even my wand won't match.

"No need for force, Harry. I am Hera, Greek goddess of marriage, Queen of the Gods." she told me.

"Uhhmmm, okay..." I find it impossible, but her tone sounded like she wasn't kidding.

"Harry, I have no time to waste. So let me give you the short version of the mess: Kronos, lord of time, escaping Tartarus, again by the help of wizards. Need to unite with demigods, half-god, half-mortal children, to defeat him. Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, will come to Hogwarts in seek of your help, and you must help, or the world will be doomed." she told me, pausing after every mission I should do for me to keep up.

"What? Demigods and wizards should unite so we could defeat who?" I ask blankly, remembering only bits and pieces of it.

"Here." Hera said, handing me a mix tape. "It contains your missions. Ask your friend Hermione about Greek mythology; I hear she is the brightest witch of her age. I must get going now. Good luck." she said, looking at the sky, then vanished.

Oh goody, I thought to myself, a goddess gave me a mission that would probably get me killed, again, and left in under 45 seconds. My life just keeps getting better and better. 

A Post-War Meeting (Harry Potter and Percy Jackson Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now