Chapter 4

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| Shawn |


Shawn was angry and with an enormous will to throw his phone against the wall. There was a video of Signe and Jeremy at a Café, she was singing while he was playing guitar recorded by one of Shawn's friends. At first, he got a huge wave of jealousy running through his body, that boy playing guitar should have been him, not Jeremy. Since when that guy knew how to play? He didn't even know his best friend existed until he joined Shawn and his friend Blake who was watching the newest Vine posted by Signe. His comment about her was so disgusting Shawn wished he had punched Jeremy in the face and leave him with a black eye. He didn't punch him because he didn't want to start drama or anything that would lead him to a suspension. To make things worse, Signe had to have a crush on that jerk which made Shawn want to yell at her for it. How could she be in love with an asshole like him? He tried to understand, tried to look happy for her since it was her first time trying to get a boyfriend, but he could no longer hide his disapproval.

Shawn knew he had to do something, yet what could he do without hurting Signe's feelings? He had seen her so happy and the way she talked about him which made him even angrier. Maybe Maddie could help him. If he expressed correctly what he felt towards Jeremy and how he wouldn't be good enough for Signe. She would understand. Right?

He sat on the edge of his bed, his hands on his hair as he tried to calm himself down. Soon he had to get Signe at her home which wasn't far from his own and he knew she would talk about him. Shawn needed to keep what he truly thought for himself or he would probably ruin what he and Signe had.

"Shawn? Are you okay?"Aaliyah, his little sister questioned. She was peeking through the door gap she left after opening the door.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired that's all." He replied while he got up and picked up his school bag with a swift move from his desk.

"Okay... Mom made muffins last night. She told me you should give one to Signe." The girl said before leaving his room. If Shawn was in a good day he would run to the kitchen and eat a muffin, but it wasn't a good day and he didn't felt like eating anything. He walked downstairs to the kitchen, picked up a muffin to offer Signe and left his house. 

While Shawn made his way to his best friend's house, he tried to calm himself down taking advantage of the cold wind of Toronto to do it. He knew he was almost like a transparent book for Signe, she could read him so well it scared him that she would be sad if she saw how he was at that moment. Shawn shook his head in an attempt to get himself free of all the negative thoughts holding him tight and fastened his pace to his best friend's house. The ginger was already outside waiting for him, she peeked at her wristwatch before raising her head and seeing him. He wasn't sure if she smiled at him, but he was sure she waved at him happily.

That was one of the things Shawn loved about Signe. She was always so happy, always in her own world as if no worries and issues could get to her. She was his personal sunshine and no matter how dark the weather was, how sad Shawn was, Signe was there to brighten his day and never failed to do so. Don't get him wrong, Signe had her days in which she was down and a pessimist and it was okay. That meant it was Shawn's turn to be her sunshine and pay for everything she did for him.

"Good morning sunshine!" Shawn greeted feeling instantly better. As always Signe furrowed her brows, she had asked multiple times why he called her sunshine and he hasn't told her yet. It was too cheesy and couldn't find the right words to explain something so simple.

"Good morning!" Signe exclaimed jumping next to him excitedly.

"My mom made muffins. I brought you one." Shawn told her with a grin while Signe giggled and rolled her eyes at him.

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