Chapter 22

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| Shawn's Pov |

He hadn't see Signe all day only so he wouldn't have to deal with a certain someone again, not because he was afraid of him, but because his mood was getting worse day after day and his changes were visible to Blake as well to his family. They didn't comment about Shawn's behavior unless they had done it on his back which was very possible, as for Blake he would tell him everything. Blake was known for being honest and straight forward and that was the reason why he couldn't keep friends for too long, they would end up listening to the cold hard truths and walk away, yet Shawn appreciated those traits. When he got a text from the girl he loved telling him they would have to meet up another day since something very important needed her attention he lost his patience. He wanted to find her, drag her to somewhere private and make her face the harsh truth about her prince charming. After their last class of the day, Blake found him walking at a fast pace on the hallways, he questioned about what was bothering him despite not being necessary at all. It could be one thing only. Signe.

"Okay, you know what you need?" Blake asked as he stopped him with his hand."You need You time. You have been gravitating around Signe this whole time and it's honestly coming to the point where I think you are obsessed."

"Me time? Obsessed?"Shawn retorted as he furrowed his brows. He had to recognize Blake was right. He had been thinking too much about her and forgetting about him, however, he couldn't rest just now." Dude, this isn't about me and what I feel for her, it's what she is doing to herself without realizing."

"I know, but calm down." The boy suggested as he put his hands in his pockets." You are not thinking straight and if you keep this going at this rhythm you're going to lose your goddamn mind. And... probably a best friend."

"You are right."

"Yeah, I've been told that a lot."Blake chuckled briefly, his facial expression was immediately replaced by a blank one, the facial expression he would put on every day to pretend he wasn't hurt inside. It was still relieving to know something could still make him laugh, no matter how short his laugh was."Listen, just don't force her to see Jeremy the same way you do, you're just making it worse. Not because she doesn't believe you, but you know...she has an idea of him only Jeremy himself can change by revealing his true colors."

"Are you suggesting me to stay still and do nothing?" Shawn inquired with surprise. How could he say that? Did he have any idea of how the abusive relationships end? How scary was it to someone experiencing that? He didn't want his favorite ginger to go through it, not even in nightmares. Shawn had to do something.

"No, I'm suggesting you wait until it happens. You'll be the first person she'll look for."

"No. No, I can't. I can't just stand here pretending there's nothing going on. I have to do something!"Shawn exclaimed, disappointed with his friend's way of thinking.

"Shawn you already did everything you could! She refused to listen. There's nothing you can do now. Just be patient and wait for God's sake!"Blake raised his voice at him, never before he had done that. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you. me alright?"

Shawn nodded hesitantly as he observed his friend attentively. Blake wasn't okay, not even close. He was slowly making his way to the bottom of the pit which was immensely sad to watch, his parents' divorce was having its toll on him and there was nothing Shawn could do to stop his friend from sinking. He decided to try to follow his friend's advice although he wasn't very sure it would the correct thing to do and decided to do something he hasn't done in a while. Play hockey. Shawn knew Blake was a fan of it hence why he took advantage of it to help him take his mind off on what it was destroying him. 

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