32. Body awareness

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I'm a lean person.

I used to play hand ball and I practice Kendo, just not regularly anymore because I have Graves's disease.

So, I'm lean. I'm fit. I have muscles.

I'm healthy.

Graves' disease isn't something that comes from an unhealthy diet, it's something that comes from mental stress.

When I see a post that's shouting about "Every Body Is Beautiful", I get extremely mixed feelings.

No, I don't think you have to have a model's body.
I don't think you have be slim.

You can be plump, you can be chubby, you can be thin, you can be slim.
But think about this, if that person is say... around five feet, and weighs like a hundred and eighty pounds, would you still say "Be as fat as you want! Every body is beautiful!!!!!" ????
Or if that person is only sixty pounds???

If your weight comes from some kind of disease, then try to get medical help.
If your weight is effecting your health, try to fix it.

No, I'm not trying to say that you should have a picture perfect body.
I'm saying you should be HEALTHY.

I suppose this is a thing that has different opinions depending on your culture, but Japan has an EXTREMELY low metabolism rate.

We try to be healthy.

If you look at the appropriate BMI for your height, you might be surprised because it's not exactly light.
But that's okay, because it's just right for you.


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