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C H A P T E R 

T W O 

A D E L A I D E 

I flipped the hood of my black sweatshirt over my head, my dark brown hair framing my face as I dug my hands into my pockets. My sunglasses were over my eyes - so you could only see a fraction of the birthmarks scarring my skin. I probably looked like a thug about to rob the store, but I had my little bag over my shoulder. I was only here for groceries, and then I would go back to the tiny apartment I had bought - yes, bought. It was so incredibly cheap, that the renter offered to let me buy it, because it was too much hassle to keep renting out, and no one rented it anymore. I was happy with it. It was a studio apartment, and the full thing was as big as my old room. I didn't have much need for decor. I had a bed, the cheapest white bedding I could find, a mini fridge, and a closet where I kept the few clothes I kept. My bed was just two mattresses - I splurged on them, since I needed a comfy place - and said mattresses were thrown haphazardly onto the floor

I filled a basket full of TV dinners, apples, oranges, tomatoes, supplies to make sandwiches, and a couple bags of salad. I splurged a little bit on some iced coffee and ice cream, but felt pretty happy with all the food I got for the low price that the register read.

"Honey, no one can see your pretty face under all that," the old, frail woman working at the register said kindly.

I gave her a small smile. "I know. Sometimes it's just better that way."

She thanked me and wished me a good day, and I fisted all of my bags, whilst also trying to exit the busy door out, and push my wallet and receipt into my purse. Just as I thought I bypassed everyone without bumping into them, I was slammed into by a large body, knocking me off my feet. I hit the ground hard, my cheap purse ripping open as my groceries scattered on the ground.

"Oh, God, I am so sorry," the guy gushed, falling to his knees to help me scoop everything back in.

I cursed loudly, trying to see if my purse would hold together, just as my hood and glasses fell off of my face simultaneously. The guy looked up at me and froze, his eyes taking in my features as heat flooded my face. But the both of us realized quickly what we were. His brows rose as his eyes lingered on the discoloration on my face.

"Hey! My name's Brett!" he greeted, holding out his hand.

"Hi," I said curtly, looking down at his hand. To shake his, I would have to use my ugly hand. So, regardless of how awkward it would seem, I stuck out my other one.

Brett looked between myself and my hand in confusion. "Do you know how to shake hands or no?" he teased. He had short, messy brown hair, with a plain black t-shirt and jeans on. He appeared to be normal, not a warrior or a rogue. Just like some kid strolling around the area.

"I do."

"Are you hiding a robot hand?"

I gave him an annoyed look, putting my hand back at my side. "Yeah, actually." I was able to corral all of my food back where they belonged, but my purse was a hopeless mess. I'd definitely have to buy a new one.

"Listen, I am so sorry about that. I was in such a hurry I didn't look. I can buy you new food. Your fruits must have some gross stuff on them now," he offered, running his fingers through his hair.

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