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*A/N: One Mike's Hard Lemonade down and one more story to update after this. Side note, I just tried to spell Lemonade "Lemondate" so this author's note will be interesting. *EDIT: I wrote this last night, it is now morning and didn't finish this before I fell asleep so don't think I'm a morning drinker.*

Before I embarrass myself, I will just move on to apologizing for the wait. 

I apologize that you guys kept asking for an update and I didn't deliver, but in all honesty, I needed the break. My brain chemistry was playing games with me and I just needed some time to sort myself out. 

I hope you understand and if you don't, that's okay. Here's your update! Love ya



A D E L A I D E 

"Let's go for a run. In wolf form," Leo said one late afternoon.

A week and a half had passed since the incident at the beach. Leo had been very gentle and careful with me since then and surprisingly, hadn't made more of a sexual advance than just soft morning, greeting, and goodnight kisses. There were times we would wake up cuddled together, but that was it. Plus that was kind of nice to me. It felt safe and he was so warm. For as strong and muscular as he was, it felt like snuggling with a big teddy bear.

The house had started to feel like home and by the end of the week, Leo was beginning to give me much more freedom. While he was working, I was allowed to go wherever I wanted as long as I kept him updated over text or phone call, and I had to answer his calls and texts, which weren't often enough to feel like I was being stalked.

So I agreed to the run. "But not too fast," I added when he started to take off his clothes in the forest. "And can you stay on my bad side? I don't really feel like running into any trees today."

"Of course," he responded, kissing my cheek. "Do you want me to turn around?"

I nodded. As soon as his back was turned, I quickly shed my clothes and then shed my human form, grunting in effort. It had been a while since I shifted. By the time I was over the dizziness, Leo had shifted and was nuzzling me with his big head.

He was about twice my size and much more muscular too. It made me feel shy and embarrassed, finding it hard to meet his gaze. You're perfect. Beautiful, he whispered in my mind, licking my muzzle.

If I'd been human, I would have blushed furiously. Leo just chuckled, as if knowing exactly how I felt, and jerked his head in the direction for us to start running. He started, but kept at a slow enough pace that I was able to keep up with.

What we didn't know, as we ran through the trees and played, was that Leo's office phone was ringing to signal the pack boarder had been breached by several forms, and we were running straight towards them.

~ ~ ~

I thought Leo and I were playing, but I had missed the way his body had gone rigid several yards back, instead running ahead and through the trees. For a minute, I forgot about everything wrong with me and just ran. It felt incredible. So incredible that I missed the first couple times that Leo howled for me.

I turned my head when I realized he was trying to catch my attention, running straight into a large, hard form. The moment my body connected with him, I instantly knew we were in trouble. I scrambled to get up and away, gawking up at the rogue standing over me. His teeth barred angrily and I hurriedly backed up, just as Leo was barreling towards us. The rogue made a lunge towards me, but Leo snarled viciously before he could fully attack. I kept scooting backwards, until Leo was pressed against me and pushing me to get down.

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