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This chapter is pretty short, but the next chapter is suuuuper long, so I promise to make up for it at the next update. I can't believe it has already been 15 days since I last updated. Where has this month gone? 



A D E L A I D E 

An hour later, Leo finally decided it was time to leave. I was the first out the door, making a beeline for Brett's car. That is, until I heard Leo speak.

"Brett, you and Emerson head home. I'll take little Addie back," he offered.

"No!" I objected, spinning on my heel to glare at him. Brett's car unlocked and I threw the door open, throwing myself inside.

This only resulted in Leo forcing me over his shoulder, carrying me to his sleek car, and throwing me in the passenger seat. I fought him as hard as I could, punching his chest as he forcefully buckled me into place. Unfortunately, even if I was stronger, his alpha genes were much stronger and I was no match for his strength.

"Stop it, stop," I snapped. "I'll just take the bus. I'm not going anywhere with you!"

"One sec, Emerson wants to say goodbye. Behave, princess."

Emerson came around to the open door and grinned. "I am really sorry about this... I promise I had no idea. They told me I'd be meeting a girl who was nervous to join the pack. I feel awful. But um... here's my phone number. Text me if you ever want to hang out or talk. I hope these guys didn't make you think I was apart of this. It wasn't fair of them to treat you like this."

"I'm glad you agree," I said with an uncomfortable laugh, tucking the slip of paper she gave me into my pocket. "Um... I only have a landline."

"That's okay, just give me a call then!"

She ran off to Brett, who hugged her gently, kissing her forehead. Mates. Huh. Part of me couldn't help but be a little jealous of them. I mean, jealous that they got to ride without the psycho invading their space and controlling them every second. I cautiously stepped out of the car, attempting to make a run for it, but I only tiptoed one or two cars away before a hand clasped the back of my shirt, dragging me roughly back. Leo wordlessly shoved me into the passenger seat and slammed the door before climbing in on his side, acting as if I hadn't just done anything.

"Good dinner, huh?" he tested as he flipped on the ignition. "Thanks for being my date, princess."

I glared at him. "I was not your date."

"Weren't you?" he said in confusion, leaning towards me. I opened my mouth to reply, only for him to grab my chin in one hand and pull my mouth to his, kissing me deeply. "Yeah, you must've been my date, because I only kiss my dates."

My hand had clapped over my lips in pure shock. He kissed me. And not just a little peck - it was a solid, hard, long kiss. One that might make your toes curl if a complete imbecile didn't force it on you. "Y-you... You can't just do that!" I gushed.

"Can't I?" And then he was kissing me again, shifting so he was leaning onto my side, pinning me to the door. I fought him off of me, putting a hand to his chest, panting as if I just ran a marathon.

"What are you doing?!"

"Never has anyone infuriated me as much as you have in the past twenty four hours. It's turning me on," he said darkly, trying to get my legs on either side of him to deepen the kiss. "You little minx."

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