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A/N: Well I spelled the chapter as Twenty Sex at first so I guess that explains how well my brain is functioning right now. 

Still working on my mental health but wanted to make some progress on my stories :) love you guys. Thanks for being patient with me. 

C H A P T E R 

T W E N T Y        S I X 

A D E L A I D E 

We woke with the sun on the beach. I didn't even remember getting sleepy, let alone falling asleep in Leo's arms. But suddenly I was blinking awake and groaning as the alpha shifted beneath me.

By the dazed look on his face, he hadn't realized we would be sleeping on the beach either.

The sun was just cresting over the mountainous horizon in the east and the tide was beginning to come in from the west. It was actually only a few yards away from us, when last night it didn't even seem like we were in danger of getting hit with a wave.

It was a stunning sight. The water that was in the sun's touch was alight while the water still in the shadows was a murky purple color. The sand was cool and the air was fresh, but crisp with the oncoming fall and winter.

"Good morning," Leo mumbled with a chuckle.

Our positions had changed in our sleep too. Last I remembered, I was leaning against him and we were both sitting upright. Now, we were both lying down and I was on top of his chest, facing him. "Morning," I greeted.

He adjusted the blanket around me. "Are you warm enough?" I nodded. "Good. I didn't expect to sleep here. I didn't expect to sleep at all. But we better get going now. I, unfortunately, have to go see-"

"I know," I interjected. I didn't want to hear about it. The mental picture was already too painful.

"I'll take you home, get you settled, and go. Just stay inside, alright? Unless Brett goes with you, but I think he'll be just as busy today as I will be," Leo explained.

"I don't think I'll be in the mood to go anywhere. Do you think Emerson will want to hang out?"

Leo lifted his head and kissed the corner of my mouth. "Of course. She will probably be in a similar state as you."

Slowly, we gathered our belongings and headed home. I sat on our bed, watching Leo get dressed and ready for the day. I didn't miss the fact that he wore old, tattered clothing. Clothing that could be easily discarded if, and maybe when, they got dirty from the scene of the crime.

"We will figure this out, Addie. I promise you that. Whoever did this will get what they deserve," Leo told me as he started towards the door to leave.

I nodded, following behind him to walk him out of the house. "Be careful," I told him.

"I will always come home to you, gorgeous."

At the front door, Leo paused and turned to look at me. "A kiss for the road?"

One of his arms wound around my back and pulled me against him while I reached up to hold his neck to press a chaste kiss to his lips. "Do you know when you'll be back?" I asked him.

Leo shook his head. "I'll call you around lunch time to check in. Be good while I'm gone. Please stay inside."

"I will, I promise."

~  ~  ~

Emerson and I were laying on the floor of my bedroom, with our legs propped up on the bed. "All I wanted was a peaceful life," I claimed, throwing a - clean - pair of socks balled up into the air before catching it again. This was a weird boredom habit I had picked up in my last pack. It somehow helped me focus my thoughts. "This has to do wiht me, I just know it."

Emerson sighed. "I don't know, Adelaide. Violence like that... violence like that is just a rogue thing."

I snorted, throwing the socks hard at the ceiling. "I was a rogue."

Emerson went quiet for a few seconds. "Well... yeah, but you're different than the rest of them. You weren't meant to be a rogue."

"No one was meant to be a rogue. Everyone came from a pack originally. I may have been out there for only a short time, but every independent wolf I came across was friendly, albeit more reserved. Why does everyone keep assuming the worst of rogues? 99 percent of them mind their own business. I'll bet more pack wolves go psycho than rogues," I ranted in annoyance.

We saturated in the silence for several minutes. Emerson nodded slowly in understanding. "Who do you think did it then?"

"Harrison. Harrison is punishing me for not picking him and his pack," I whispered, closing my eyes.

Emerson pulled her feet down and rolled on her side to face me, frowning. "That is insane."

"You didn't see him when I walked away. His eyes. I have never seen someone with eyes so dark and angry," I confessed. "It has left a gaping hole in the pit of my stomach since we left and now those poor people... I feel like it's festering."

Emerson ran her hands through her hair in unease. "Have you spoken to Leo about this?"


In the distance, a thunderstorm rumbled and Emerson and I shared a look of discontent. "Either way," Emerson started. "This is no good."

~   ~  ~ 

Brett, Emerson, Leo and I had dinner together that night. Under normal circumstances, this would have been a really fun night. But all of us were still reeling from the past day's events.

Surprisingly, Brett agreed with me that it was Harrison while Emerson and Leo were still sure that it was the rogues in the area. This was the main topic of discussion as we ate our soup and salads with a sudden rain storm brewing outside.

I was a bit distracted the whole time, as I couldn't stop thinking about the substance on his hands and shirt that was definitely not mud or anything earth-like. I was even more alarmed by it when he refused to hug me or kiss me when he got home; instead, the man avoided eye contact and got straight in the shower, throwing the clothing in the garbage.

"Adelaide," Leo whispered in my ear, bringing me back to the present. "You keep zoning out."

I tightened the grip I had on my arms, nodding. "Sorry."

"What can I do to help?" He asked.

I pressed a kiss to his cheek before shrugging my shoulders. "I don't know if you can. I just need time."

Leo bobbed his head curtly, leaning in to get one final kiss. "I'll always give you time. From now on. I know I haven't in the past."

"So..."I trailed off, looking at our best friends. "Ice cream sundaes, anyone?"

~  ~  ~

As Leo slept deeply beside me, I laid awake. Staring at the ceiling, trying to picture the numbers for the one place I never thought I'd call again.

If no one else would investigate my side of this argument, then I would. Leo would be out most of the day for the next several days, so it would give me plenty of time to start digging. And I wasn't one to dilly-dally with small leads, contacts, or calls.

No, I would be going straight to the source of my anguish and taking it head on. Two people had already been horribly murdered and I would not wait around for anyone else to get hurt. 

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