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A/N: This is a short chapter, but only because the next one is longer. :) 

C H A P T E R 


A D E L A I D E 

 The bed shifted as Leo climbed in next to me, getting under the covers. "Hey, princess," he cooed. "You okay?"

"Why doesn't anyone want me?" I asked him miserably.

"Addie..." he sighed. "I want you. Your parents want you too. They just... They're..."

I rolled over and buried my head in his chest. Leo rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head. "I want you, Adelaide. You know that. Brett and Emerson want you."

"My own parents don't want me," I hissed. "What does that say about me?"

His embrace tightened. "It means you're too good for them. That you were meant to be here. With me."

"Am I so hideous and disgusting-"

"No, stop. Don't talk like that. This has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with your parents. It was their foolish decision. They couldn't look at their beautiful daughter and not see all they damage they have caused. They cowared away from their mistakes."

"I hate myself. I hate it, I hate my hideous face and my ugly-"

Leo lifted my face and kissed me softly to cut me off. And I let him. After several gentle kisses, he pulled back to wipe the tears from my face. "You are my beautiful girl and you don't deserve those people that claim to be your family. You have a new family now, okay? You have me and Brett and Emerson. And you'll have our whole pack as well."

I nodded, sniffling. "But maybe they don't want me either," I said simply. "I wouldn't be surprised."

"Hush, kitten. You're loved here. You belong here. With me. And if your parents don't want you anymore and can't see how amazing you are, then screw them, okay?"

"Maybe I belong in that attic, hidden away from the world."

"No," Leo said firmly. "You belong with me."

He kissed me and this time I kissed him back. Maybe I needed this distraction. I needed something to pull me away from my thoughts. Leo groaned quietly, holding me tighter and rolling so I was on top of him before deepening the kiss. I cupped his neck to hold him to me as I moved to straddle his hips.

Leo moaned out when my center rubbed against his groin, and he stopped kissing me for a moment. "What are you doing?"

"Distract me," I whispered.

He froze, his whole body tensing. "Adelaide..." he sighed. "No."

I sat up, frowning. "But-"

"I can't."

For some reason, hearing this made realize how stupid I was acting. My face heated up and I jumped off the bed, running to hide. Normally, I'd hide in my own bed, but since Leo was currently occupying that space, I ran for his bed. I was so stupid. Of course he wouldn't want me in this state. I didn't even really want him, I just wanted to not think.

My bed creaked as he got up, and I could hear him sigh. "It's okay, Addie."

"It's not okay. Nothing is okay."

I hid myself under his blankets, hiding my face in my hands as he once again climbed into the bed. He wrapped one arm around me, dragging me up so he was spooning me. "I'm not upset or anything. I don't blame you. But I couldn't take advantage of you like that. Even I, the doofus that I am, have standards. When we go further, it'll be because you want it and you feel it, not because you need something else to occupy your thoughts," he explained. "Even as sexy as that was. I'm trying to do right by you now. I have been a major pinhead and if I let us go through with that... it just wouldn't be right, like most of my past actions."

"I'm sorry," I whimpered.

He kissed the shell of my ear. "Shh, Addie. No need to apologize."

"Can I go to sleep?" I asked him, reaching up to pull a pillow to my chest.

Leo kissed as much of my skin as he could reach before nodding into my hair. "Of course. You deserve some rest. I'll wait till you fall asleep, and then I'm going to head to my office. You know how to page my office from here?" I nodded. "Good." Leo remained silent while snuggled up behind me, holding me securely to his chest while the last few tears escaped me and my body prepared itself for a deep sleep. Crying always took it out of me, especially after a day like today.

When I did wake up, which was several hours into the night, Leo was indeed gone. I was reminded of how embarrassing and stupid I was to think he wanted me in that way. Any guy having to look at my face would go soft and be repulsed immediately. Why would Leo be any different?

My own parents don't want me. It was stupid of me to think a man would either. All my years in my old pack should have taught me this. But I was too hurt and stubborn to see that.

I got out of the bed and went in search of a pair of shoes. Luckily I found my combat boots, which would help me the most. I just needed to get out of here for a little while. Maybe longer than that. Digging around in my stuff, I produced my wallet and a small backpack, which I stuffed with clothes. Keys. I needed my keys, but I hadn't seen them since Leo kidnapped me.

In the back of the closet, I spotted a small drawer set. The first drawer - much to my disgust - held various brands and types of condoms. The bottom one was empty, except for an empty notepad and a couple pens. Lo and behold, the middle drawer had a single set of keys in it - my keys.

I pocketed my keys and slung my bag onto my back, pausing for a moment to listen for anyone approaching. There was nothing.

Leo's office door was closed and I could hear him talking on the phone, so he didn't hear me sneak past or go out the front door. The weather here was starting to get cold, I realized as I pulled my jacket closer around me. If he caught me, I'd be in a lot of trouble, but would he even care? If I got far enough away, he would realize like everyone else that the trouble wasn't worth it.

That I wasn't worth it.

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