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~Charmaine's POV~

I'm now waiting for their arrival...

Flight 234 just landed.

I read the email ^

My eyes automatically roamed the arrivals area and saw

"CARTAHHH!!" I screamed and his head immediately snapped towards my direction and a smile appeared on his face...

After they got out I ran towards Carter and hugged him- tight.

Well I jumped on him so..... yeah.

"Mainie!!" He said hugging me back

"I missed you!!" I said kissing his cheek after he put me down

"I missed you too bae!!" He said side hugging me

I heard someone clear his throat behind me, I turned around and saw my brother and his friends.. that are also my friends... so our Best friends!

"Brothaaa!!" I squealed running towards Cameron and hugging him

"Woah! You've grown!" He said hugging me back

I pulled away and jokingly flipped my hair

"Um duh" I said grinning and he chuckled

"Charmaine did not miss us" Nash said pouting so I ran towards him and Hayes and hugged them both

"How can I not miss you? You're my favorite brother!" I said and I saw Cameron rolling his eyes which made Nash smirk towards Cameron

"Aww sissy" Nash said in a teenage girl voice and I laughed same with the others.

"Baby Dallas!" Johnson said

I rolled my eyes

"Here we go again" I muttered under my breath He smiled evily before engulfing me with a hug.

"Can't. Breathe. " I said and he pulled away kissing my cheeks and I shrieked

"Ew!" And Johnson laughed while I was wiping my cheek

"It's not funny! You can transport your germs in me! Eeww!!" I shrieked while they laughed

"Where's Matty boo?" I asked and someone tapped my shoulder

"Wha- Matty!!" I said hugging him and he chuckled

After that I drove them home... yup! We live in the same house! All of us....

Living room

I plopped down the couch same with the others

"I'm so exhausted" Gilinsky said

"I'm tired!" Cameron whined and I hit him with a book that was near me.

"Ow!" He exclaimed rubbing his forehead

"Stop whining" I said closing my eyes and I heard him mimicking me "Stop whining"

So I threw a pebble and it hit him.

"Stop! You're being so brutal!" Cameron said placing the pebble back on the table

I opened my eyes and saw them sitting on the couch watching Cameron and I fight.... not fight fight but, you know what I mean.

"You're being so annoying" I shot up and Cameron rolled his eyes

"You're annoying!" He said and I shot hin a glare which he returned

"I'm not being annoying! I'm being smart" I said and he scoffed

"Yeah Smart my ass" He said and I giggled and they looked at me weirdly

"What?" I asked

"Your giggle is so cute!" Carter said smiling like an idiot before pinching my cheeks

"Cartah!" I whined slapping his hands away from my face and he pouted.

"Why did you giggle?" Taylor asked still looking at me weirdly

"Cameron said 'Yeah, Smart my ass' and a thought came in my mind and my brain removed the word 'My' which means he said 'Yeah Smartass' and I don't even know why I giggled" I said

"You're weird" Taylor said

"But cute" Carter chimed in and I high fived him

"Nice Bae!" I said and he wiggled his eye brows and I laughed

"Nash, Hayes, Gilinsky, Johnson, and Madison are being awfully quiet" Cameron said so I looked towards them and saw them watching us

"Weirdos" I mumbled before getting up before being stopped by Cameron

"Where are you going?" He asked and I looked at him

"I have a photoshoot" I said and he said Oh..

"I forgot that you're already a model. " Nash said and I shrugged

"The last time we saw each other was when I was just getting started with my music career" I said and he shrugged so I went up to my room before changing into my gym clothes because after the photoshoot I'm gonna hit the gym.


I grabbed my phone and ear plugs before hopping down the stairs before being stopped by Cameron- again

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I grabbed my phone and ear plugs before hopping down the stairs before being stopped by Cameron- again.

"What is it this time?" I asked annoyed

"You're going out in those clothes?" Cameron asked pointing towards my clothes

"Duh?" I said

"No. Change" he said sternly and I rolled my eyes

"Cameron I'm sixteen already, I appreciate your concern but I can take care of myself okay?" I said and he nodded so I walked out of the house before driving to my photoshoot location.

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