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CharmaineDallas- Here ya go

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CharmaineDallas- Here ya go.
👥- TeenVogue & Cosmopolitan

CameronDallas- Congrats sis.

MatthewEspinosa- Congratulations! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

NashGrier- Congratulations bb sis!!

CarterReynolds- BABE!!!

MadisonBeer- How can you fucking slay that look?! I'll look like an ugly lion next to you with that pose like give me back my crown 🤦🏽‍♀️


SammyWilkinson- If you look like that everyday I'd date you. 😉

CharmaineDallas- 🖕🏻 @sammywilkinson

TeenVogue- ❤️🎉

Cosmopolitan- ❤️🎉


ArianaGrande- Congrats bae!! 💜💛

CaraDelevingne- Congratulations Girlie!! 💚💛

SeleneGomez- Gahh Gorgeoues! 😍 Congrats Gurl!! 💖💛

CharmaineDallas- 😘😘😘

ShawnMendes- 😍

MaggieLindemann- DM girlie!!

Liked by TeenVogue, Cosmopolitan, ArianaGrande, SeleneaGomez, ShawnMendes, and 12.788.978 others.

Direct Message

Hey girl! What's up?
                               Nothing much how
                                                bout you?
  Idk ur the one who
wanted to talk so...what's
the topic?
                                   Right... so
                            I noticed that Shawn
                                 Mendes has been
                              I don't want to call
                        it 'stalking' you but, he
                             has been liking and
                     commenting on your pics
                                                     A Lot.
Right and I don't know him.
                               I know, but have you
                                 checked his profile?
Nope. And I'm not
planning to so...yeah.
                                      Why not? 😕
Why do you seem upset?
                             I'm not... it's just that
                              I think that you guys
                              would get along well.
But Mags, I'm not
                          Oh come one! You guys
                            would get along well!
                       Just give it a go, please?
Ughh I'll think about it.
Yeah whatever.

(A/N: I suck. 😕)

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