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//Cameron's POV

"Charmaine! Can't you see that those 'ship' accounts of you and Shawn are turning their backs against you?" I said

She rolled her eyes

"Of course I can't see that Cam! You see My Vision isn't 20/20 like you OBVIOUSLY have" she said sarcasm overflowing.

"Don't Start" I glared at her she glared back

"Like why do you even care?!" She said getting irritated

"Because I don't want you to loose the people who supports you for who you are because you are dating your brother's friend!" I said trying to sound and look as calm as possible.

"Oh really? So how about Carter?" She asked

"That's a different story-" she cut me off

"Really Cam? It's the same! Everyone was so mad when they found out, this is the same!" She said

I groaned in frustration- you see this is exactly why I agreed to her when she decided to move out, I can't deal with her stubbornness most of the time and it's just way too depressing.

"No it's not!" I said and she mimicked me with her hand

"It was only one person who decided to changer her username because Shawn and I are too overrated so stop over reacting! God damn!" She said before walking inside her bedroom

"You alright bro?" Gilinsky asked me as he entered the lounge area I shook my head 'no'

"It's going to be fine, just accept the fact that your sister is growing up- way too fast might I add but, if one day the decisions she made turned out to be giving her the worst life as a consequence she'll come back... she'll be thankful for you. But for now, let her be. She's finally happy" Gilinsky said as he gave my back a pat or two before sitting down on the couch as the others follow behind shortly.

Hey dude, Maine called me
crying, is there something I
should know?

Probably the fact that I don't
trust you with my sister's heart.
She just came out of a heartbreak,
I've known you for years, Shawn. You have quite the history for being a heartbreaker.

I'm serious when it comes to your
sister Cameron, you out of all
people should know that.

I'm just saying. Once I find out
that you hurt her or even lay a finger
on her or make her feel like a living
piece of shit, I swear to God Mendes-
I'm going to hunt you down and kill

Like you can actually do that.

Watch me.


Hey guys!!! I'm back and I've never been better! Jk. I feel like shit right now but anyways, Adios.

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