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//CH. D//

"I'm gonna miss you so much Cam!" I said while hugging my brother tightly

"I'm gonna miss you too... do you... do you really have to go?" He asked as we pulled away

"Sadly..." I said pouting he sighed before hugging me one last time

"Call me once you land okay?" He said with a sad voice making me feel worse than I already feel.

"Sure cam, take care of Sierra bear and Mama" I said before picking Gravity up from the car seat and making sure Cameron gets to give her tons of hugs and kisses before we board the plane

"I'm gonna miss you little miss Gravity" Cameron mumbled as he kissed Grav's cheek before giving her back to me

"You know that we will always be visiting you guys here in America right? Plus, there's FaceTime! We can always call each other!" I said in a reassuring way

Not knowing whether it's him I'm reassuring or if it's myself that I'm trying to reassure.


We are now inside the private jet of ours, well- mostly Lucky but you know? What's his is mine and what's mine is his.

"Babe I can't wait to show you our new house!" He exclaimed happily as if it's something that he's been looking forward to all this time, I smiled at him and kissed his cheek

"You're so cute when you get excited"I smiled at him.

"And you're a wonderful mother to Gravity" he kissed my lips

I looked at Gravity as she went running around inside the jet, I smiled at the thought of her coming from Lucky and I and I'm thankful for everything that had happened in my life.

Every heartbreak was a new door for opportunities I have never imagined to be handed with, Lucky changed my life in a good way by giving me Gravity... after the short break up we had, we decided that we can't break up for the sake of Gravity and for the sake of our own hearts.

Being separated by these two love of my life would be hell for me, and I am praying for the possibility of that to never happen.

Shawn might be the first official guy I've felt all these emotions to and experience things no one would've had me experienced is something that I'm eternally grateful for.

As I officially begin settling down, my main priority now is my baby Gravity.

As we arrived at our house, we took the moment to be outside and admire the house we have worked hard on just for it to be ours.

"This is it baby, our live starts now... are you ready?" Lucky asked as he kissed my forehead as he held Gravity

"I'm ready."




Congratulations you have reached the end of the story! A sequel might be up soon so stay tuned for that lovelies!! Thanks for reading!!

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