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//POV of Charmaine

I mean... I'm not sure why I feel so heartbroken by the Carter thing... I mean, we weren't really together but I caught feelings for him long ago... I'm so stupid!

*ting ting ting*

My notification- blowing up? What the heck?

MetroNewsMag- Lately, Charmaine Dallas and ex-boyfriend Carter Reynolds have been posting pictures with captions throwing daggers into each other, that's sad

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MetroNewsMag- Lately, Charmaine Dallas and ex-boyfriend Carter Reynolds have been posting pictures with captions throwing daggers into each other, that's sad. Isn't it? Anyways, Charmaine Dallas has not been seen out for 2 weeks, but last night she went to a party with her 'Girlies' to have fun and 'move on' while Carter Reynolds on the other hand has been out and about with some other girl, which is one of Charmaine's bestfriends... Maggie Lindemann. Carter Reynolds and Maggie Lindemann has been seen out for dates a lot for 2 weeks... like Carter Reynolds isn't affected by their breakup.

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Username- what the fuck is wrong with these celebrity's love life like fucking shit, it's messier than my hair.

Hater- Charmaine is just hurt- I mean her ego hahaha

"FUCK!" I screamed and threw my phone across my room and started crying all over again

"That's not even true!" I yelled

I started throwing everything my hand landed on...

One object

Until last object

I stared at the picture frame...

It's Carter and I's first meeting...


"Ms. Dallas, meet Mr. Reynolds, he will be the one to tell you the things you need to know for the rest of the VidCon" Bart said before leaving Me inside My hotel room with a guy...

I don't even know him! He might be a sociopath or worse- A SERIAL KILLER-

Wait no Charmaine, don't think like that about a handsome, cute, asia- what the fuck

Shut up.

"Uhmm... so where shall we start first?" My stupid conscience was interrupted by the Hot Asia- shut it!


"I don't know, I thought you were supposed to be leading because you know, I'm new" I chuckled and he blushed

"Uhh yeah" He laughed while scratching the back of his neck

"I'm guessing you're Cameron's little sister- am I right? Or am I just thinking that because you have the same surname, I mean like-" I cut him off

"Dude, if you want us to be friends start loosing up a bit your muscles are all tensed up that's not good" I chuckled and he lowered his head probably by embarrassment

"It's okay though that happened to me once- I mean a million times before and yes, I am the Youngest of The Dallas" I added

"Oh okay" He said...

"Let's start with the basics" He said

It went on for about 3 hours before he became comfortable

"We should totally take a picture here" He said

Where are we? You might ask- well, we are in the Santa Monica Pier talking and walking and admiring the beautiful view right in front of us.

"Yeah!" I agreed

"Uhm.. hey! Do you mind taking a picture of Me and My Friend here?" Carter Asked a guy around the same age of us- probably

"Sure!" The guy said

Carter side hugged me while we smile and I place my hand on his back.


That was the most wonderful day of my life...

And now- everything that happened... is gone.

I threw the picture with a scream and it landed with a crash- outside the window....

"Charmaine Paz Dallas! What are you doing?!" Shawn asked worried as he barged in my room

"Get out! I don't want you here! How did you even get in my house!" I screamed while tears were continuously flowing out of my eyes

"That doesn't matter- I want you to stop this crazy shit!" He said yanking the object that I was supposed to throw next out of my hand and hugged me while I cry on his shoulder and  continuously hit him.

After an hour my heavy cries turned into sobs- and his dry shirt was now wet with my tears

"I don't know why I'm hurt Shawn, I have nothing to be hurt about as we weren't together- but it hurts so fucking much!" I sobbed while he hugs me and pats my back

"Shh stop crying... I have felt that way before- but believe me he's not worth of your time... just try to be happy and thankful that you can be in a real and healthy relationship with someone who you deserve- someone who can make you feel better and accept you for who you really are- someone-" I cut him off

"Someone like you, Shawn" I said

And he froze-

"Someone Like You" I said quietly before letting my sleepiness take the best of me


The word I last heard before I fell into a deep slumber





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