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It has been exactly 3 months since the last time I've heard of Shawn and I'm starting to think about still being his girlfriend, since he won't answer my calls or even respond to my goddamn texts! We're going to be having our 1st Anniversary, yet he's out there doing god knows what!

"Sis, stop stressing yourself out" Cameron said for the ninth time this hour, I looked up at him with teary eyes and saw how fast his face went from overly annoyed to really concerned in a snap of a finger

"How can I stop stressing myself out?" I asked my voice cracking slightly signalling I was beginning to break down. Cameron muttered a very unholy word underneath his breath before rushing to sit beside me, he wrapped me up in his arms in a soothing way and I really missed this feeling.

The last time Cam hugged me like this was 3 years ago... when my pet hamster, named cookie, ran away and got ran over by a 10-wheeler truck. I was so heartbroken that I almost dropped out of school...

"You trust him, right?" Cameron asked and that caught me off guard

Do I? I shook my head, unsure of what to say... he took my hand and squeezed it tight in a way like he's reassuring me, but why? For what?

"Charmaine!" I heard the guys call for me downstairs sounding- concerned?

"Up here!" I called out and in five seconds they managed to go up stairs and in front of me

"What's wrong?" I asked as they scanned me- like scan scan, like physical scan.

"Thank heavens you're okay!" Gilinsky exclaimed engulfing me in a bear and overly comforting hug, I hugged back even though my confusion was overflowing.

"What? Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?" I said eyeing then weirdly, Matthew's eyes suddenly widened- like expanded 2 inches wider than it originally is, how's that possible?

"You don't know?" He asked and I gave him a nod, Johnson suddenly hugged me tightly as Gilinsky pulled away

"You'll be okay" Johnson whispered and I suddenly became stiff- like I was magically turned into a statue "Charmaine, listen to me" Johnson said as he pulled away, he cupped my cheeks with his hands and made me look him in the eye

I saw an emotion flicker in them, pain? Why?

I saw his mouth moving but I couldn't make out anything that was flowing out of his mouth

I looked around and suddenly I became dizzy, I looked around and everything was in slow motion like I was in a stupid movie full of heartbreaks and broken promises.

I turned back to face him and that's when five words that I never thought I would hear.

"Shawn is cheating on you"


AN:(Oops? Anyhoo, I'm back! It's my birthday today! AHHHH)

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