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//POV of Charmaine

It's been 6 months since that Carter incident and 6 months since the Shawn thing...

I'm a lot better now- especially with Shawn always here by my side...

I look up at my ceiling to recall the things that happened the past months...

"Charmaine?" I heard Shawn outside my bathroom

"I'm in the shower!" I answered hoping he would hear me

I then heard muffled footsteps entering my bedroom- I heard a soft knock placed on my bathroom door

"What do you want?" I asked him as I get out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my body

"Uhmm... I wanted to take you out today" He said

I stopped for a second

"Take me out? Like a date?" I asked

I then heard series of 'fucks' and 'stupid' coming from him which made me smile as I dry myself up

"Yeah?" He said shyly- he's probably blushing so...

"Mr. Mendes, if you want to ask me out for a date you should do more than that" I laughed meaning it for him to take my words as a joke

"Oh- okay" he laughed unsure.

I dress myself up with a White tube top  with rainbows on either sides and a black tights with holographic things by the waistline and running down the right leg.

I went out of My Bathroom- obviously dressed up (except for shoes and makeup) but you know.

I looked around my room to see No Shawn

"Shawn?" I called out putting on my black laced up elastic high heeled 'combat like' boots after putting on socks.

Only to be answered with silence

I walked out of my room looking around to spot nothing but my furnitures...

I continued my search from down the hall to my loft...

I looked down and-

"Oh My Gosh" I said in shock- covering my mouth as my eyes get teary...

Shawn was down my living room with rose petals scattered around him formed as a heart- candles were aligned to form words...

Words saying...

Charnaine Dallas May I Take You On A Date Tonight?

"So what do you say?" Shawn grinned holding out a bouquet of pink, red, white, and black roses

"Of Course!" I said happily as his eyes twinkled.

Shawn and I's first lovey dovey encounter...

I smile at the thought of Shawn and I's first kiss.

"It's nice up here" I said as I take in the sight in front of me

Where did Shawn take me? Let's say- A rest house on a hill that shows you the whole Los Angeles

And we're right in time for the sunset!

"It's so beautiful" I said sighing

"It is, so fucking breath taking" He said-

I looked at him and I saw him staring at me- staring at my lips....

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