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//Carter's POV

I don't even know what Me and Maine are... like, are we together together?

"Carter is thinking about what Charmaine and Him really are" Hayes Laughed

I glared at him

"I mean like, you guys ARE together aren't you?" Taylor said flopping down beside me

"I ship you guys" Aaron added

They are NOT helping.

"Guys, He doesn't even know what they are" Cameron said while eating grapes

"Yeah... I mean we're just friends that acts like a couple... and rumored as a couple..." I said looking out the window

"What?" Hayes said

"You guys are just Friends?!" Nash said

"Yup." I answered popping the 'P'

"Wow you are such a coward" Skate laughed and the others snickered

"I'm not!" I defend myself

And they all gave me the 'Oh Really' look

And I rolled my eyes and sighed

"Do you have feelings for her though...?" Hayes asked

They all stared at me silent which gives me the most creeped up vibes.

1 one thousand

2 one thousand

3 one thousand

4 one thousand

5 one thousand

"I guess?"

"Ow! What The Fuck?!" I yelp as Cameron pushed and punched me

"Then you don't like her! You should give her the right to have a Proper Relationship, a real one! Stop putting up a show then Idiot!" Cameron hissed

"Well then, I'll call her now!" I said surrendering

I stood up, while dialing The number of Charmaine.

//M- Me//C- Charmaine//

C- hey Carter!

M- hey.. Maine

C- what's the matter? You sound all gloomy and blue and stuff.

M- uhmm... I wanted to talk to you about something...

C- ........

C- what is it?

M- you know that we don't have a relationship- right?

C- yeah, what about it?

M- Ummm.... I just want to explain things out there for the people to know the truth... and for you to finally have a- a- b...boyfriend?

C- wh-

M- no I mean for the guys put there that wants to be with you can be with you, without them thinking you're taken...


M- are you mad?


M- hello?

M- h-

C- shut up.

C- At first I thought you felt the same, I thought you will feel the same, I thought I will be able to call you mine, but, I was wrong. Every little 'I Love You' we exchanged, that meant everything to me! And then you'll do this? Did those things you said meant anything to you?!

M- ....

C- you know what? I'll do it then, goodbye.

End call


CharmaineDallas- All 'good' things must end 'well' I guess

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CharmaineDallas- All 'good' things must end 'well' I guess....

❤️- liked by ShawnMendes, JackG, CameronDallas, and 50,499,129 others.

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Well I guess so too....

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