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Stella's P.O.V.

The opals fused around the frame of the fireplace were twinkling with partly red and partly orange. The flame was raising vigorously and I was sitting next to it, on the floor. I was surrounded by a mountain of books and I had to go through them, one by one. After all, I needed to find the truth. I was greatly affected by her words. There was no doubt that I was shocked to realize she was blind. But apart from that, there were many curiosity dwelling within me. of course, long thoughts short, why was Erwin interested in the red hair?

"Even this one," I thought as I flipped the page of the tenth book.

I couldn't doubt her words. The place was filled with books, those related to red hair. There was a more strange thing. Every book mentioned one thing, not of my red hair, but my blood.

Different books had different theory, but each one of them mentioned, "thy shall see a miracle, witness healing, and receive power if you are blessed with the pure witch's blood."

No, I absolutely had no idea what these books were trying to predict. And more than that, I knew I was born with red hair but I believed I was no witch as the world envisioned.

No, I didn't believe I was the god's favorite child either. Otherwise, my life wouldn't be in such misery.

"Blood..?" I uttered, still couldn't find the sense in the books. But why were these books talking about the red haired girls as if there were some other girls with red hair before?

Is my life entangled with their fate?

I laughed at the thought. Just because my life was miserable, it doesn't mean I was one of the reincarnations of the god's child.

"Who is a god anyway?" I murmured. I hadn't seen him or met him. In fact, I believed in magic only after I came to the Ice Kingdom. Still, I could carry on arguing how it was only the delusion of my eyes.

Everything that happened was like a dream. Before I came to the kingdom, I didn't know I was capable of getting angry. I didn't know I could fall in love. I didn't know I could dream.

But things were getting suspicious. Never did I doubt Erwin's decision. I thought I had nothing good to offer even if he were to try and make use of me.

So why? I thought and took a deep breath.

My body was drained out of energy. I felt too weak to sit up with those heavy thoughts. So, I made my way out of those books and got away from the fireplace. I slowly landed my small body in that huge soft bed and cuddled with my pillow.

"I wish people were like you, soft and nice to be around. But they..... they only want to make use of people," I muttered and closed my eyes.

I knew I was acting stupid. From the first day, Erwin had vowed to benefit the country with this engagement. This predated marriage was the selfish wish of two people. Both of us were trying to gain something from it. At least I knew I was trying to escape my fate. Or had I?

I dug my face in the pillow and swallowed my uneasy tears that threatened to wallow out.

I knew if I cried, I couldn't stop. I had to train tomorrow. I took a long sigh, stood up and started to undo my dress.

This long bothersome layers never matched my taste. Every day I had to spend hours to fit in it and another hour to get out of it.

"Stupid dress," I mumbled as I try to undo the laces. Those laces would always start from around my neck to the hips. It was almost impossible to undo by myself. I always had my maid to undo it.
I wasn't privileged to wear such dress before I came to this kingdom neither did I wish to wear one.

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