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After Herobrine left with Sky. The team panicked.

I could remember the confused look on Sky's face, as Herobrine teleported with him. Weird. Herobrine came after Sky blasted the bolt of energy. Something I had never seen him do. Strangely, the blast was a golden- sorry, budder colour. And before they teleported, I could have sworn that I saw Sky's eyes flash bright gold.

Seto was shocked, and he was staring emptily into the space where Sky had disappeared. Jason wasn't saying anything. Mitch yelled," Guys! We can't just sit here on our butts. We have to do something!"

Ian looked at him," So we go to the Nether and rescue him from Herobrine?"

" Sure! I want to kill some mobs!" Jerome yelled enthusiastically.

" Not yet," Seto said quietly.

" What?" Jerome couldn't believe his ears.

" I said not yet. Herobrine could kill us in seconds if we went in there, and did you see something in Herobrine's eyes? Worry. And he didn't make any threat in harming Sky either. Do you think that was weird?"

Jerome's mouth hung open, but he didn't say anything.

"Wait, so you mean we are leaving Sky there?" Mitch asked, bewilded.

" Look, Herobrine hasn't killed people in years, and I don't think that was because he was biding his time or what. He killed for sport, but if he doesn't even do that anymore..." Seto trailed off.

" Then Sky might not be in immediate danger!" I said, just as the dragon had recovered and swooped, almost turning us into meat loaves.

" Bingo, so what about we deal with the dragon first then discuss later?" Seto said as the dragon prepared for another pass.

The dragon then spat purple flames with purple particles dancing in it. My friends dove out of the way, but Jason and I didn't do that in time. He didn't yell in pain as the fire burned him. As his spacesuit took the worst of the burn.

When the fire washed over me, I expected to be covered in agony, which wouldn't kill but surely wouldn't tickle either. But I was surprised when the fire touched me, it felt warm, and comfortable, reminding me of home.

The dragon landed and stared curiously, as if saying," Why are you not burning, little human?"

He was momentarily frozen, looking at me, I could feel myself sweating with discomfort. My stomach twisted into a knot.

Just as he landed, Seto fired a purple fireball at him, causing him to roar in anger and take to the sky. Mitch and Ian's arrows followed his path.

He disappeared into the dark sky, and we saw how severely the dragon's fire has burnt Jason's suit. Most of it was scorched and there was a big black burn at his stomach, which was likely to crumble if it took another blast.

" You okay?" Quentin asked.

" I am fine," he said and took out his sword.

We were distracted by Jason that we didn't anticipate how fast the dragon was coming at us.

It was coming from straight above us, in a nosedive at breakneck speed, with its wings folded.

" Scatter!" I yelled as the dragon impacted with the end stone, reducing it into flakes and creating a big puff of smoke. The guys ran, I did too, until I felt something wrap around my waist.

I looked to see a black dragon paw with enormous claws.

The dragon roared in triumph and rose into the air, with me in tow over the smokescreen.

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