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Sky and Ty were gone, and Seto was in shock, and unconscious, considering he almost fell into the void.

At least we know Sky's with Herobrine, and in probably in the Nether, but why the dragon took Ty was a mystery.

That was one thing was weird though, Ty didn't even flinch when the dragon's fire touched him, he didn't look worse, but he actually looked better. Weird.

And not to mention we were now trapped in the End, we need to kill it to go back to the overworld, unless Seto teleported us, but he was too weak to do so. The void had sucked out some of his life force and he would need days to recover.

" Now what do we do?" Jerome asked.

" We gotta leave this place quick," Mitch said bitterly, "before we lose another team member."

" What about Ty?" Quentin cried," We can't leave him here with that bloody dragon can we?"

" We need to take Seto to the overworld," I said," he needs rest, which he would not get any here."

" I am with Quentin, we have to get them back," Ian said.

" Guys," a weak voice said, we turned towards the speaker, which was Seto, he struggled to sit up," Ty is still alive, but he is marooned on a single block of End stone, which is literally unreachable."

" How do you know?" I asked.

" Visions," he said weakly.

" What about Sky?" Mitch asked.

"I don't know, I tried reaching out to him, but something blocked the connection. I think it was Herobrine, but he is safe and alive. For now."

"So now we have two options," he announced," Option 1, stay in the End and look for a way to save Ty. Option 2, kill the dragon, leave the End, and go save Sky. Then we come back and save Ty."

Tough choice, but I guess I would choose option 2. There were some questions to be answered by Sky.

"Alright, all in favour for option 1, raise you hand," Seto said and counted. Quentin and Ian raised their hands.

" Alright, it means that the majority are up for option 2, sorry Ian and Quentin."

Quentin looked at us with disbelief," So you guys are just going to leave Ty here? What kind of friends are you?"

"Calm down, man," I said," we will be back as soon as we can to get Ty. We are just going off to get Sky first."

Quentin balled his fists in frustration, but then Ian put a hand on his shoulder, slightly calming him," Dude, calm down." Quentin slowly unclentched his fists and grumbled in a low tone that the rest of us couldn't hear.

" How to find the dragon?" Mitch asked.

" Hey dragon get your fat ass over here! We are not done with you!" Jerome yelled, then grinned," I think that would do it."

" You gone around the bloody bend or what Biggums?" Mitch demanded, as Jerome cringed.

" I just uh... want to get this done," he said sheepishly.

"I know," Mitch glared at him, but he then loosened up with a mischievous grin on his face," though... I can't be entitely sure that this is a bad idea."

Jerome cracked up as Mitch yelled another insult at the dragon.

" What are you doing?" I asked quietly.

" Getting the dragon here," Mitch said proudly and high fived Jerome," I am sure he couldn't resist making us pay for insulting him, could he?"

As if on cue, a roar sounded, and we found the dragon flying towards us, his eyes burning with fury.

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