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Hey guys, the prequel is out for a couple weeks, called the Legend of Herobrine. It will be longer than this book, but will be probably more in depth, describing Herobrine's internal struggles and whatsnot. I once said I will be updating on Fridays, but guess what, I think I will be updating more frequently now. So if you are interested go on and read that, although I personally think that the first chapter is a bit crappy. Eh whatever it has served its purpose for providing information.

So thanks for reading this book, go on to read the the prequel if you want to explore this a bit further, if you are not interested in Herobrine there will be a sequel coming up. Don't worry.

So go on and read that, comments, votes and follows are hugely appreciated, (they gave me more support than you guys know, and I really mean it). See you in The Legend of Herobrine.

Update: The Legend of Herobrine has been completed, if you guys are interested, go read.


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