The Light of Minecraftia (Part 2)

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Herobrine readied his sword, adrenaline pumping through his body, increasing his strength. His eyes glowed bright white, illuminating the area around them in a brilliant white glow.

While on the other hand, Entity yawned, and drew energy from the eclipse yet again, repairing the loss of energy and the damage done by Herobrine's sword. He was still glowing with a rosy aura, and his sword was basked in red particles.

"Entity, you are as sick and twisted as Israphel," Herobrine growled," Still his personal flying monkey, I see."

"Watch your use of words," Entity snarled," he may be gone, but I will make sure that you will join him."

Herobrine rolled his eyes," Sure, in the Nether? I am the king there idiot. I see him suffer every day. Even if I die, I doubt that I would go to the there. On the other hand, I can be sure that you will certainly be joining him."

" You? Go to the Aether?" Entity laughed," Please, you are making me laugh. I guess I have to kill you to find out."

" So be it," Herobrine said, as both powerful beings rushed foward, swords ready for the kill.

Entity blocked Herobrine's swing and slid his sword under Herobrine's left shoulder, Hero twisted away swiftly, and stabbed at Entity's stomach.

Entity stepped backwards, and met his sword with his, the red and white energy on their swords clashing with each other in an intense mini battle.

Entity teleported behind Hero, and Hero immediately blocked his sword. He knew Entity's technique, it was similar to his. Teleport and hit before the enemy could react, then teleport again and repeat.

Herobrine summoned a ball of white fire and shot it at the white clothed hacker, Entity rolled away, and using his hacks, he increased his speed and strength.

Herobrine was the better fighter, and had been trained by Notch, and could even match Entity's added speed and strength. He meditated a lot more than Entity as he didn't need to plan revenge plans or raids like Entity did in his spare time. He used to kill for sport, which gave him a hard time worrying about his enemies and almost no time to meditate, quite different from the situation of the present, where he had settled down and no longer killed for his own personal entertainment, he had time for meditation, and he could let his heart quiet down.

Herobrine's clashed on Entity's, and used a whirlwind of slashes and jabs, Entity did the same, both sides doing their best to inflict damage on the other, anxious to test the other's strength.

Herobrine thrust out his hand, channeling the energy of his body into it, and Entity went flying as he was pushed by the invisible force.

Entity looked shocked," You practiced martial arts?"

" Of course I did. I don't just practice sword fighting like you, do I?" Herobrine managed a smirk.

Entity, somehow pissed at the jest, blasted a quick burst of energy, which caught Hero in the chest, he merely winced slightly, and shot several bolts of white fire in return.

Entity cast several glowing red shields to protect himself. When the white fire was extinguished against his shields, he blasted the energy outwards towards Herobrine's general direction.

Herobrine managed to teleport before the energy hit, and shot lightning at Entity in return.

Entity hastily teleported, and Hero also teleported as soon as he felt Entity behind him. And luckily he did, because he didn't, he would have a sword in his head and that would totally mess up his day. He hated it when swords got into his head. He wouldn't die, but he would be in a lot of pain. And he would feel lopsided that it would be difficult for him to maintain his balance. He absolutely hated it.

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