The Calm Before the Storm

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"Alright guys, hold on to me or the Ender Dragon, we are teleporting you back to your friends," Herobrine said, then suddenly chuckled and muttered," They are going to be so surprised."

Skybrine and Wither held on to Herobrine, Enderlox and Jason held on to the dragon, and they disappeared in a wave of purple particles.


Team Crafted was combating a raid from Entity 303, who was just sitting on a tree, idly watching as the mobs matched on SkyArmy base, a bored expression on his black skinned face.

His face lit up when he saw their current leader, Seto the sorcerer. He would like to see what has he got up his sleeves.

He gathered his magic and teleported in front of Seto in a wave of red particles.

Seto's eye widened as Entity appeared in front of him, his red eyes glinting evilly.

"Well, well well what do we have here?" Entity drawled, showing his yellow teeth.

Seto trembled slightly, but his face remained a mask of calm," Get out of here."

"Make me," Entity grinned, and summoned his sword, which was completely black with red swirling patterns, one of them looked an eye.

Seto hastily summoned two purple fireballs in his hands,"Last warning:Leave."

Entity laughed," What makes you think I would do that? It is no fun you know? I guess you will have to settle for a no."

Seto tossed a fireball at Entity, who teleported out of the way with ease.

"You're no fun," he hissed in Seto's ear. Seto whirled and took out his diamond sword, then set it ablaze with his purple fire.

Entity grinned, this's gonna be fun.

Entity slashed at him with his sword while Seto blocked, then slashed at Entity, who deflected his blow. He then tossed his remaining fireball, and Entity summoned his red magic, clashing with Seto's.

Seto's magic wasn't as strong as Entity's, and dissipated, Entity's magic fireball hovered just above Entity, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

They exchanged blows, Entity's sword looked like a whip of shadow, and Seto's purple flames trailed after his glacial blue coloured blade.

Entity teleported every time Seto came close to hitting him, but he didn't make any attempt to kill Seto by stabbing him in the back or anything, he just studied him, slightly amused.

He's just toying with me, Seto realized, he didn't want to kill me, yet.

Seto decided if he wanted to play, fine, then bring it on.

His eyes ignited with purple flames, and his hands glowed slightly.

Now that's something, Entity thought to himself, smirking.

Seto yelled and brought down his hand towards the ground, and everything within a three block radius of him was blasted outwards, including Entity. The impact sent him flying, but he could also fly and righted himself in midair.

Just for a large purple fireball to hit him square in the face.

He growled, baring his yellow teeth, that sorcerer did have some strength to him after all.

He would kill the sorcerer himself, but not this day. When he leads his true, non nonsensical army, he will suffer and die, slowly and painfully.

"Next time we meet, sorcerer, say hello to your doom," Entity sneered and disappeared.

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