Welcome to the Dark Side

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Guys, this is not a chapter. Just a tag from stormcause, who got it from@DarkSpector

Alright, ahem, here we go
1. Pistachios are delicious  (Debatable. Since I have never even eaten one single pistachio in my life)
2. You must have all the rules on the chapter you do the tag. All.
3. The title must be 'Welcome to the Dark Side'.
4. You must tag @DarkSpector somewhere
5.  You must say five fandoms that you like
6. Pistachios are delicious(…?)

1. Marvel
I guess that counts. I am a huge Marvel fan and has watched if not all, then most of the MCU movies(Spider-man: Homecoming is great, definitely recommended)

2. Minecraft
Because why not? And I heard that there will be a movie in a few years.

3. Minecraft Youtubers
Especially Team Crafted. Or just Team Crafted.

4.PJO, HOO and the rest
Because those books are great. I have nothing to add.

5. Maze Runner, Transformers, How to train your Dragon etc.
That wasn't an actual single fandom, let's just say I like them.

Now for the tag
@DarkSpector(somebody please tell him/her for me, thanks)

That will be all. See you guys in The Veiled Shadows.


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