The Crimson Eclipse

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The redstone torches twinkled in the room where Entity sat, in his own base made of obsidian and redstone. He was sitting, meditating, drawing on his power, like any powerful being, he needed time to recover his magic and to explore the depths of it. He still hadn't reached his full potential.

A shout distracted his quiet meditating, as he opened his crimson eyes in anger."What is it?" He bellowed to the one who shouted at him, he got irritated often when people disturbed him when he's in the middle of something.

A zombie ran huffing into his room," Lord... lord Entity," it panted.

"Spit it out!" Entity bellowed harshly. He didn't want to waste his patience on such a worthless mob.

"Lord Null has a plan, and he wishes to discuss it with you, along with Lord Arcanist and Dreadlord,"it bowed, it knew better than to look into his master's burning eyes when he was pissed.

Entity glared at the decaying mob, then sighed and decided not to kill him. He flicked his hand to show that his servant that he has been dismissed. The zombie bowed one more time and shuffled away as quick as his legs could carry him, in case his master decided to change his mind.

Entity teleported down to where Null was, along with Arcanist and Dreadlord. He sneered at them in the back of his mind. As long as they proved no use to him, he would dispose of them. But they never knew of that, and they were too afraid of Entity's incredible powers to ask. Since he was created by the legendary Israphel himself, a name that everyone had learnt to fear, even Null, who had once worked with him.

"Speak, Null, what do you have in mind?" Entity asked.

Null would be smirking if they could see his features," We already know that they expected us to attack tomorrow night. But we can make this to our own advantage, I can throw them into complete darkness, and it would be impossible to see. With our army clashing against their army as a distraction, we can be free to slaughter Wither, the Ender Dragon, and even Herobrine himself."

"Herobrine is mine," Entity growled,"I am not done with him yet."

"With all due respect, but what about the dragon and Wither? And the three hybrids and Team Crafted?"Arcanist asked.

Entity scowled," You need not worry about them. Wither and the Ender Dragon are no threat. As for the hybrids, they are untrained and weak. Team Crafted is just a meager excuse of a team, we can take them down within seconds and not even break a single sweat. Leave the sorcerer for me though."

"Entity, what I have learnt after crossing paths with Team Crafted, is to never underestimate my opponent. They are strong as a team, and did you not forget that they had defeated the Squids eight years ago?" Dreadlord said, thoughtfully.

"True," Entity grunted, resisting the urge to scoff. The Squid Kingdom was nothing compared to the present company, but he had to consider his words carefully if he were to keep them as his allies. So they would have just enough faith in him to do what he asked. He rose," My friends, tomorrow, no matter how strong they think they are, they will still fall beneath us. We will rid Minecraftia of Team Crafted, Herobrine and the boss mods. And we will be free to do as we please on this land, and we will rule over every single dimension."

He looked at his allies," Do you not thirst to be freed from Herobrine's control? Are you tired of hiding in the shadows, too afraid and too ashamed to come out?"

His allies nodded in agreement, with a small fire of determination burning in their eyes. Yes, they hated living in the dark, having to constantly hide from Herobrine, who suppressed their actions so they wouldn't screw up too badly. They hated such a life, where even survival is difficult. How were they supposed to even truly live it?

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