The Light of Minecraftia

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Herobrine growled as the two teleported away. But despite how much he wanted to chase after them, there were other lives at stake.

  He quickly flew to his castle, holding the collapsing castle with every ounce of his strength so that his subjects could escape. Mobs flooded out of the gates, running or flying for their lives. He grimaced, knowing that there are still more trapped inside.

With a powerful tug in his gut, he managed to teleport all of his mobs away from the danger zone, draining quite a large chunk of his power in the process. A wave of dizziness temporarily hit him, causing his legs to wobble slightly. Herobrine steadied himself and took a deep breath, feeling better as some fresh oxygen reached his brain.

He glanced at his fallen castle, not just his home, his headquarters, but also a refuge for countless mobs. He would need to rebuild it later, if he survived his battle with Entity.

"Stay here, set up camp. " Herobrine instructed some of his captains," You know the drill. I'll be back."

  They nodded, and began carrying out his instructions. Herobrine smiled, but that smile quickly melted off his face as he prepared himself to teleport back to the Overworld and face his enemy.

The first thing he saw upon his arrival, was a raging battle. Wither, the Ender Dragon, and the three hybrids battling Entity, Arcanist and Dreadlord.

Null appeared in a splotch of shadowy darkness, and used his shadowy tendrils as weapons. Alone, the hybrids could handle Arcanist, Null and Dreadlord, but with Entity, things proved to be much more difficult.

Things were not going well, even with the help of the boss mobs, they were overwhelmed.

Blood trickled down from the corner of Skybrine's mouth, and his eyes showed signs of fatigue, he was cut in multiple places. Enderlox's tail was twisted at an unnatural angle, his scaled arms bled with purple blood. WitherMU's suit was cracked, scorched and dented, having taken the brunt of the energy attacks its wearing wasn't able to dodge.

" Entity, you sniveling, cowardy scum! Fight me and be a man for once in your life!" Herobrine yelled as he hovered above them, glowing with a white radiance.

Entity looked over at the hybrids, obviously beaten up, and looked at Herobrine, then grinned," I'll be there in a moment, right after I finish off your precious little hybrids!"

"You can try," Herobrine growled, and teleported right beisde the red eyed hacker. And before he could react, he stabbed the red eyed being in the side.

The white magic pulcing along the lengh of the sword made Entity gasp out in pain, and when Herobrine yanked out the sword, the wound closed, but much more slower and with more difficulty.

Entity snarled," Null, Arcanist, Dreadlord, deal with the kids, I will take down this treacherous little creature."

"With pleasure," Null purred pleasantly.

Sky growled and shot forward, wreathing himself in budder coloured light, and like a bullet fired from a gun, impacted with Null and sent him flying off the roof.

Arcanist leveled his sword at Enderlox and Jason, just as they nimbly danced out of the way before the arcane beam could hit either of them.  But before they could recover, Dreadlord launched two of his wither skulls towards the hybrids in quick succession.

Jason rolled and dodged the skulls, then launched a couple of his own in return," Wanna play with skulls? Fine," and blasted Dreadlord off the roof when he was caught off guard.

Dreadlord flipped and landed gracefully on the ground, he made a 'come on!' gesture with his boney fingers.

Jason simply hovered in the air, making himself hard to hit, while assessing Dreadlord's every move.

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