Hybrids of Team Crafted

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Sky flew down to Wither and the dragon along with his father. Herobrine cast a spell on them to rejuvenate their health, as the dragon felt his wing straighten, and the bones he had broken in the fights gradually heal. Wither could see the broken part of his spine re-attaching to his main body, and his strength return for a slight bit. But they had all used up a lot of their energy and needed to rest.

The Ender Dragon promised to take care of Ty, and the two teleported to the End to rest and recover their strength. Herobrine then teleported Wither and Jason to the Nether to let them rest, he offered to take Sky as well, but Sky told him he needed to supervise the reconstruction of the Budder Kingdom as he was the king and he needed to help his recruits. Herobrine understood and respected his decision,and teleported back to his home, the Nether.

He sighed, and used his magic to rebuild the castle and restore what has been destroyed, and his minions were placing blocks and building, helping out whenever they can.

When the castle was restored back to their former glory, Herobrine teleported back to his room and crashed face first into the soft covers. He had spent a lot of his strength and was exhausted. He immediately began to snore.

Sky used his telekinesis to carry his teammates, who had been knocked out, to the infirmary. Then he sped off once more to help rebuilding the base. It was heavily damaged by Entity's and Herobrine's energy blasts as they fought, as well as Arcanist's, Null's, and Dreadlord's attacks.

He flew up and placed blocks, helping out in any way he could, and with his superpowers, he did make things easier for all of them.

The recruits kept on telling him that he was wounded and should rest, but he waved that away as he wanted to help rebuild. He felt responsible as he was the leader of this place, the place where his foster parents had entrusted for him to guard and protect. And even though he just found out he wasn't the true heir to the Budder Kingdom, he still felt obliged to honor the late King and Queen.

However, he was already exhausted, and he had to use his powers repeatedly. He started getting busy and seeing stars.

He was repairing the roof when he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned to see Seto.

"Hey, what are you doing up here?" Seto asked, frowning.

  "Just helping out," Sky shrugged, hiding his fatigue with the best of his ability,"And no, don't ask, I'm fine."

But Seto saw right through his facade, and shook his head," You have always been a terrible liar, Sky. You need rest, if you don't stop you are going to pass out at some rate."

Sky opened his mouth to argue, but no sound came out. Instead, his eyes rolled up into his sockets and he collapsed.

"Told you so," Seto muttered and brought his friend and king to the infirmary.


In the next few days, the members of Team Crafted were slowly healing and recovering from the damage they had taken. Ty was brought back to the overworld, so was Jason. Ty was fully healed, but the encounter left scars all over him. Jason's hearing had gotten better, but it was still slightly weaker than before due to continuously listening to the explosion of wither skulls exploding near him, thanks to Dreadlord.

Herobrine, Wither, and the Ender Dragon had also recovered their full strength, and the dragon was happily roaming the End, watching over the land of end stone and obsidian towers. He wanted Enderlox to stay, but as a member of Team Crafted and a general of the Budder Kingdom, he couldn't. Although he promised to visit twice a week.

"Feel free to come visit Wither and I," Herobrine said to Sky and Jason,"the Nether will always welcome your arrival and can be your second home."

"Thanks Dad," Sky said, while Jason thanked Herobrine as well.

The three hybrids stood, facing the damaged base, there was still a lot to be rebuilt, but with united hearts, recruits and Team Crafted members alike can do it.

They may look different from normal people, and they might have superpowers, but they were burdened with their duty, and that was to protect Minecraftia at all costs.

"So what now? Entity is defeated," Enderlox asked.

Herobrine shook his head," No matter how many enemies we defeat, new threats will always continue to arise. Stay on your toes, and train."

The Wither and Herobrine turned away from the hybrids, Wither said," You sure you want them loose on the overworld? They can be dangerous."

"Ah, you see, my dear friend, I believe that they have a good heart and will do whatever is right. I believe that they would not use their powers for evil. They might be hybrids, but they still have their humanity there. Plus, they are not normal hybrids," Herobrine said, his white eyes gleaming with pride.

"They are the hybrids of Team Crafted."

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