Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but will you be mine?

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Taeyang’s POV

I was lying on my side, gently stroking the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid eyes on left arm, she was facing me and she looked so peaceful, from time to time her face would scrunch up, then smile, then nothing and sometimes she would talk, most of it was mumbling, but my name would come up too. Finally she awoke, but if I’m being honest, I was somewhat sad that she woke, because I was fascinated with what she done while she was sleeping.

“Good morning.” I said to her quietly, with a smile on my face.

She slowly opened her brown/hazel eyes. “Good morning you, how long have you been awake?” She asked me sleepishly ending with a yawn.

I laughed lightly. “Not that long.” I lied.

She eyed my suspiciously. “Liar, you’ve been watching me sleep haven’t you?” She said to me covering her face embarrassed.

I too went under the covers, but she wouldn’t budge, so I did the one thing that would make her budge, I tickled her.

“No, stop, please, Taeyang, no.” She said in between giggles.

Just as I was having fun my phone went off, I sighed and answered it, it was Jiyong.

“What is it? Is it important brother?” I asked him in Korean.

“Well I believe it is, have you and Teeshy eaten yet brother?” He replied in English, probably for Estelle’s sake.

“What do you have in mind?” I asked him.

“Well, Estelle and I were thinking that Teeshy and you would like to come over for breakfast?”

I put the phone down and asked Teeshy if she would like to join Estelle and Jiyong for breakfast, she nodded so I told Jiyong we would get ready and be over soon.

Jiyong’s POV

“Is there anything I can help you with?” Estelle asked me.

“No no, like I said, I have everything under control, now please, would you sit down in the living room and relax?” I asked her.

“But I feel that I should help in some way, it’s not fair of me to relax while you cook.” She replied back to me.

I laughed lightly. “My dear Estelle, this is my house, therefore I am responsible to feed everyone who enters, now please, make yourself comfortable and watch tv, or listen to music, I don’t mind.”

She frowned at me, ‘yes’ I thought to myself, ‘she listened’ I thought again. Estelle turned around and headed to the room, I continued making our breakfast feast. A few moments later she came back in with her iPod and connected it to my surround sound stereo, she started scrolling through her songs or playlists, and then finally she settled on the one she wanted, a familiar tune started playing it was one of my personal favourites 'Let me hear your voice', I looked up at her, she was sitting on the sofa looking at me smiling.

“Is this one of your favourites my dear?” I asked her.

She didn’t say a word, she just smiled and nodded. I went back to cooking the feast. “This too is one of my favourites; you have a good selection in music.” I told her teasingly while looking at her face.

She rolled her eyes at my answer. “Well of course you would like this song, and I’ve been told that many times, but thank you.” She said to me, I went to reply but I heard a knock at the door.

I excused myself from her company to answer it. And as expected it was Youngbae and Teeshy.

“Ah hyung, you know you don’t have to knock, my home is your home.” I said to him. He replied back with laughter, I assumed he knocked because Teeshy was with him, I looked down at their hands, they were entwined into each others, could it be? Are they finally together? Out of the corner of my eye I saw Youngbae smile and nod once.

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