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Sherlock woke up slowly and felt a pounding in his head. It was a horrible throbbing pain. He looked around and immediately noticed the perfectly glowing white and grey room. There was a glass was separating them from a monitor.

He sat up and looked. He saw Mycroft and an Indian man talking to the side. He looked over, and noticed that John was knocked out.

"John. Wake up." Sherlock lightly tapped on his face. Soon it stirred him and John woke up.

"What the bloody hell happened?" John groaned.

Sherlock looked at Mycroft. "Mycroft, what happened? And do tell me the full piece, I don't want to waste time deducing the answer out of you." 

John noticed that even after a lot of the more harrowing adventures Mycroft has joined, Mycroft never expresses general worry or stress. But now was not one of those times.

"I've got some things I need to tell you. You may not like it, but we are in this situation together. Might as well say it." Mycroft flattened out the legs of his pants nervously.

"We were kidnapped by our little sister, Euros. I had her put in Sherrinford, an institute." Mycroft started off.

"Wait, we have a sister?" Sherlock said. "Why is she here? Why don't I know about her?" Sherlock asked him.

John noticed they were both stressed on the matter. "She is more clever, more devious, more intellectual, more EVERYTHING than us." Mycroft emphasized. "She was so dangerous at such a young age, that I had her locked up. Mother and Father think she died in the house fire." 

"What house fire? I'm fairly certain I would remember a little sister." Sherlock said. 

"You were young and you were traumatized after loosing Redbeard. You forced any memory of her and him after she burned the family house down. At age 5 she was smarter than the average college student, and definitely more clever. She decided that she wanted to experiment with her first fire, and she burned the whole house down. After that she was held in an Asylum until I ended up sending her to Sherrinford. It seems that our wonderful director has let her out." Mycroft looked at the Indian man.

"Go ahead. Introduce yourself. Explain." Mycroft pushed.

"I am the director of Sherrinford. I was specifically tasked to make sure Euros never escaped. It seems that she has escaped and has taken over the entire facility." He summed up.

"And how did she escape?" John asked.

He shrugged. "I sort of happened. Apparently she has been gone for a couple of weeks, yet we did not notice her gone. It's a mystery to us, but it seems she has taken us hostage." 

"I still don't remember any of this. I can't have possibly had a little sister. I'm sure that a little trauma would not have deleted my memory of her." Sherlock insisted.

"Then I'll have to give you a reminder. Do you remember a specific song from your youth? About the eat wind?" 

Sherlock thought about it. East Wind did sound familiar.

Mycroft started to speak something. 

"I that am lost, oh who will find me? Deep down below the old beech tree. Help succour me now the east winds blow. Sixteen by six, brother, and under we go! Without your love, he'll be gone before. Save pity for strangers, show love the door. My soul seek the shade of my willow's bloom. Inside, brother mine -. Let Death make a room. Be not afraid to walk in the shade. Save one, save all, come try! My steps - five by seven. Life is closer to Heaven. Look down, with dark gaze, from on high... Before he was gone - right back over my hill. Who now will find him? Why, nobody will. Doom shall I bring to him, I that am queen. Lost here forever, nine by nineteen." Mycroft finished.

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