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Time had passed, and October was among everyone. John, Sherlock, Molly, and Mycroft had been invited to a Halloween party at a rented out pub. It was a costume party, meaning you had to be dressed as someone or something.

Molly, John, and Sherlock were in the morgue running some tests on a drug. At the moment Sherlock was looking at some new type of narcotic to try and guess the effects.

"What are you two going to be dressed as for Halloween? It's a day away, you know." She asked.

"A plague doctor. I'll just wear something dark colored and get the mask." John said. He turned to Sherlock. "Are you going to the party? It might be nice." John tried to sway him.

"I don't know." Sherlock said rather dully as he looked through the microscope. He had put the narcotic mixed in a solution of water and dead skin. He was hoping to see any kind of reaction.

"There will be plenty of people there to deduce and you can speak to others about possible cases. Meaning you won't be bored." Molly pointed out.

"If I won't get bored, then I'll go." Sherlock decided. "Although I'm not sure what to dress as. The last time I remember dressing up for Halloween, I was a coroner, and the year before I was a pirate. All the other times were not saved in my drive." 

"Maybe a vampire? Put in some fake fangs and find a cape. You already have the pale skin and dark hair, so it would fit." John suggested. 

Sherlock thought about it. "A vampire sounds suitable. A bit mainstream but it works."

"What will you be?" John asked Molly.

"Belle. I found a nice blue dress and white apron just yesterday." She said.

Sherlock watched the cells and saw a reaction. "Ah ha!" He said happily.

"What did you find?" John asked.

Sherlock took his eye off the piece. "This narcotic fills the cells with added moisture. So basically it is a narcotic that gives you the expected high, but it moisturizes the skin. Usually street drugs dry out the skin. So I'm hypothesizing that the drug is easy to take and not noticeable to others. But there's also the chance that if you take too much your body could go into shock. Overall, revolutionary." He explained.

"Perfect Sherlock. I'll be sure to tell the press." John joked. "Let's go to the party store. We need to grab a couple things." John urged. Sherlock locked away the drug and grabbed his coat.

The two headed out of the hospital and caught a cabby. It was further away, but there was a party store that sold Halloween costumes as well.

The two paid the cabby and headed inside. When they walked in, they felt intimidated. All over was Halloween skeletons, witches, zombies and more hanging around on display. They headed down the aisles and looked for some pieces. Sherlock found a black cape with a red lining and a pair of stick on fangs. John found a small lantern and his plague mask. It was made of a cheap look alike leather and fake metal goggles. But John thought it was good enough.

They paid for the items and headed back home. It was towards the end of the day, so they stayed inside the flat and talked to a couple surprise clients. Sherlock solved one or two or the cases and kicked out the rest. During the middle somehow, they got dressed in pajamas. Sherlock wore his usual blue pants and lighter shirt with the blue robe that Mycroft gave him, and John wore a long sleeve stripped shirt and pajama bottoms.

They both sat in the living room bored. John had already finished writing the blogs and had nothing to do, as did Sherlock. 

"Sherlock, do you ever watch movies?" John asked. It had just dawned on him that he had never really seen Sherlock watch a movie or hear him talk about one.

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