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Sherlock drove through the city as fast as he could. He ignored traffic laws and weaved in between cars. He was following a road that should lead him to the country side, and then the cottage. Mycroft had been keeping quiet for awhile while he searched for John or Eric's phone.

After an hour, Sherlock reached the country side. He was driving and looking for the correct roads to take. He had memorized the directions to speed the process. As he drove around, it became more and more isolated. His mind was so occupied, he couldn't think of extra factors.

After a couple more hours of driving, the sun started to rise. He had reached the last road that lead to the cottage, and once he arrived, he stopped the motorcycle. He texted Mycroft and then got his gun ready. He ran towards the house.

He didn't bother knocking, and just kicked the door down. 

"John!" He called. No answer. The inside seemed very old and unused. No one had lived there for years. 

He searched around the rooms and saw nothing unusual. He went into the bedroom, and found a picture of Eric at his college graduation. Next to him was a shorter man, with a large scar down his face. Distinctly of a serrated blade cut downwards.

As Sherlock searched around, he realized the man was a doctor at some point. He had many before and after photos of scars he had given patients. He even found some photos of before and after scar removal. There was a lot of information about scars, and it seems that Eric specialized in treating them. 

His phone rang and picked it up.

"We've got them pin pointed. Go east. I'll direct you to them." Mycroft said.

Sherlock walked out of the house and headed east. Every couple of steps Mycroft would adjust his directions. Sherlock walked further and further away from the house and into the fields. There were rolling hills and sheep. 

"You're close. Keep going north." Mycroft told him.

After a little longer, Mycroft stopped him. "You should be directly on top of him." Mycroft said. 

Sherlock looked around and saw nothing. "I'm in the middle of a bloody field with sheep. There's no one here." Sherlock exclaimed into the speaker.

He dropped down to his knees and looked around for a cell phone. Maybe Eric buried it.

He dug up the area and found nothing. 

"I know my system is not flawed. You are on top of them. His phone is there." Mycroft told him.

Sherlock thought for a moment, and had an idea. He pulled out the note and looked through it. He knew the note was written weirdly, so there must have been a clue.

Dear Sherlock, I see you have found
the note, so that means yo
u have a
nother case. Find Joh
n Watson. I'm in anoth
er safe house with John. Hurry up, time is ticking. Sincere
ly, Eric Thomas.

Sherlock broke down the note for any code. He tried binary first, but that didn't work out.

'I am on top of them. So where are they?' Sherlock thought. The realization hit him. He looked back at the note and figured it out.

Dear Sherlock, I see you have found
t    he note, so that means yo
u   have a
n   other case. Find Joh
n   Watson. I'm in anoth
e   r safe house with John. Hurry up, time is ticking. Sincere
l    y, Eric Thomas.

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