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The next morning John woke up fairly rested, although he didn't hear his alarm go off. He looked at the time, and it was nearly noon.

"Shit!" He exclaimed. He got a shower and dressed in some proper clothes before going down to the living room.

Sherlock was no where in the flat, but a note was left on the table.

I left without you. Stay home and rest. You'll injure yourself further.

John sighed and set the note back down. He looked through his contacts and called Mycroft. The phone rung for a little but he finally picked up.

"Wow. A call from John Watson. If it's a blessing you want, I'll give it." He started.

"The blessing I need, is to know where Sherlock is. The git stopped my alarm and left me here." John told him.

"Sherlock knew you'd call me to find out where he was, so he specifically told me not to tell you." Mycroft told him. "But I can give you a clue." 

John sighed into the speaker. "Of course there's a fucking riddle hunt to find out where the hell Sherlock is." 

"Tell me about it. He made an entire scavenger hunt with riddles just so at the end I could find out that my hamster died." Mycroft told him. "But luckily Sherlock didn't leave you a hunt. I'm just giving you a clue since Sherlock didn't tell me that clues weren't allowed. Just go to where Lestrade spends most of his time."

Mycroft hung up the phone and John headed downstairs. Mrs. Hudson pocked her head out of her apartment and saw John putting on his coat.

"Where are you heading off to in such a hurry?" She asked.

"Police station." John slammed the door shut and flagged down a cabby. He was driven to the police station and then dropped off.

He walked into the station and looked around. He soon noticed that many officers were staring and him as he walked in. He soon found Lestrade and walked up to him.

"How come everyone is staring at me? And where's Sherlock?" He asked.

Lestrade looked around and then motioned for John to follow him to a private room.

"Alright. So Sherlock came to us this morning and told us that the serial killer was still in Ireland. He actually talked with Mycroft and they caught the original. So that means that our victim that in London was a copycat." Lestrade started.

John got a little impatient. "So it's a copycat. That still doesn't answer my questions." 

"Sherlock is running around London trying to find the copycat as fast as he can. And the reason he did not invite you was because you are a prime suspect in this investigation." Lestrade tried to ease the news onto him, but it was still a lot to take in. 

"How am I a suspect? I have an alibis. I was in the hospital, and then Sherlock was with me the entire time. There's no way I am the copycat." John explained. 

Lestrade motioned for him to sit down so they could talk. "We called the Irish police, and we did verify that your friend told you about the case. He's being investigated as well for disclosing information. The reason why you are our prime suspect is because you were the only civilian to know the details of the murders. And your alibis can't be verified by anyone. He was murdered while you were in the hospital, but there was a solid two hours where all of the security cameras malfunctioned, and no one checked on you. It's enough time to escape, murder, and then come back. We also talked to your doctor, and you were clear of all the drugs at the time. They just wanted to keep you there in case you had any adverse reactions. So you were capable of murdering him." Lestrade finished.

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