Chapter 6: Star

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A/N: So I included a short scene of why Toffee is so bent on getting revenge and destroying the Butterfly family and everything else. I know it isn't the real reason. But it's my own little version of why. After all this is a fanfic. I hope you enjoy and won't hate me too much for it. Happy reading!

Chapter 6 Star

I glared at everyone in the room as I bent down to make sure Marco was still breathing. "You all should be ashamed of yourselves!" I made a stretcher appear and had Rhombulous and Tom gently put Marco on it. Tom scowled at me but did it anyway.

I heard my mom ordering for a doctor to be summoned as we wheeled him away.

She grimaced at unconscious Marco. "Star."

I turned to her, "Was that all necessary? Did you really have to put him through that? Against Tom of all people!"

The queen put her hand up, and rubbed her forehead with the other. "I wasn't expecting him to go through with it. Or even suggest it. It was very difficult to watch, and for that I am very sorry."

"Yeah, you better be. Will Dr. Minnow be the one to check on Marco?" I asked as we walked toward the guest room in which we had put him in. "I also want to talk to you about Toffee."

My mom nodded. I squinted as her diamonds became a bit flushed. "Yes, Dr. Minnow should be here any moment." Mother addressed the guards at Marcos' door and pushed her way in.

I speed walked over to him. He still looked pained but his breathing had returned to normal. The spell my mom had casted worked temporarily.

"You really care for your friend, don't you Star?" My mom murmured behind me.

"Yes. He's my best friend. My partner in crime. He's the responsible one. He keeps me in check and I love him for that." I felt his forehead and tucked the sheets closer to him. Careful of not jostling him, I sat next to him.

We both looked up as a knock came at the door. An old man who could pass for a wizard walked in. He was dressed in all white. Everything about him was white, his beard and mustache, his hair, his skin. He walked hunched over and used a tapered blackwood cane. He squinted majorly.

"Whoa, Dr. Minnow has aged." I whispered. "There's no way he can help him."

The Queen swatted my arm. "He's an excellent physician!" She hissed.

"Your Highness," Dr. Minnow bowed before my mother. "An honor to see you again." He set to work on Marco, bandaging wounds and stopping internal bleeding.

Marco slept through the whole thing. He regained his healthy color and his face lost the stressed look. At one point he sighed in relief.

Dr. Minnow brought out a bag of healing herbs. Crushing some in his palms, he tossed them in the air and began chanting in an ancient language. He placed his hands over Marco, not touching his chest but hovering over it. His palms began to glow and Marco was encased in soft golden light. The glowing subsided after a minute or so.

"There," Dr. Minnow declared, "he is healed. I suggest he get two days rest before he's up and about. One skull fracture, three broken bones, a concussion, and several lacerations were what was wrong with him. He's a very resilient guy." He packed his medical bag slowly.

My mom and I walked him out.

"Thank you." We both said. He bowed and left.

I poked my mom's side and grinned. "See, he's very resilient."

She led me into the counseling room, and gestured for me to sit down.

"What is it you want to talk about, Star?"

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