Chapter 1

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"Come on Ash! Run faster!" I yell from behind me. We are currently running from about ten Stellers. We were hunting in the woods, and now I can tell that was a bad idea. I jump over a ditch, but Ash wasn't so lucky. He lands on his chest and slides into the ten foot deep ditch. He yells and falls to the bottom. I stop to hide behind a tree, and get out my weapons, sweat dripping from my forehead. I catch my breathe, and close my eyes. I plan what I'm about to do, and let all the fear drain out of me. "Got him! Get his gemstone!" One Steller yells. Ash screams and I run toward the ditch. I run and jump onto a Stellers back, and try not to fall off. I twist his neck, and roll onto the ground gracefully. The Steller on my right burns The Symbol onto Ash, and starts cutting out the stone in his ring. Ash punches the Steller as hard as he can, but three others run over, and pin him down. The Steller attempts to rip the gemstone out of Ash's ring, and succeeds. I wave my hand and vines grab the next three idiots that try to attack me from behind. Two jump down from trees, swords pointed toward my back and neck. I freeze them in mid air, and make their swords plunge into each others chest. They collapse next to me, but I step over them, ready for any other attacks. Two more run toward me. One stabs a dagger into my shoulder, and my shirt soaks with blood. I turn around, and make one turn into a pile of ash. I grab the one that stabbed me by the neck, and asked, "Why are you in the lands of Archway?" I yell, as his flesh falls of piece by piece. "Get ready for us. You have no idea how powerful we have become! Get ready, for The Rebellion. We shall rise up and rule this world!" He yells, and laughs after. He starts melting like plastic as he laughs. My eyes grow wide, and I drop him. I take cover behind a rock as he explodes. "Leah, get the gem from Joe and run!" A Steller yells before I make his heart come out of his nose and onto the ground in liquid form.(Awesome right?!) The Steller, Joe, runs and gives Leah the gemstone and runs away with her. I turn around to see the Steller they call Leah running away with the gemstone in her hand, smirking at me as I just stare. My legs start shaking, weak from all the magic and energy I just used. I sit down and process what just happened. Ash had his gemstone taken. He is dying. The Steller is Leah. I killed about eight Stellers. I was awesome (The last one doesn't really surprise me).   My dirty blonde hair is coated with thick blood, a fire in my violet eyes that seems to never go out. "Help please! Get me out!" I hear a boy yell. I look back and see a long sack hanging from a tree squirming. I crawl out of the ditch and untie the bag slowly, not knowing who or what was in it.
I see a boy about my age come out. He had brown hair, a mix of blue and neon green eyes, olive skin, and skinny...a little too skinny. He is also tall, and has a scar running down his neck into a symbol I don't recognize. "Thanks, That was not comfortable being in there." He says. "What is your name? Are you a Steller?" I ask. He rubs the back of his neck and stands up. "My name is Ryan. I am a Pixter. I have an orange gemstone, and my family is dead, so don't ask where they are. That is all you need to know about me." He says. I look back into the ditch, ask Ryan to help me get my brother, and he nods his head. Ash's black hair is dank with sweat, his orange eyes staring blankly into the sky. We carry my brother out of the ditch. "Wow, he is heavy! Geez!" Ryan exclaims. "Um...use magic. It's common sense." I say with a grin. Ryan waves his hand, and Ash pops out of a portal on the top of the ditch. I look at Ash, his face becoming paler by the second, his arm bleeding where they burned the symbol into him. It was one curved line with a circle.

We head toward Archway, and I hear something to the right. I look at Ryan and he nods. He takes Ash, and flies up a tree. I climb up a tree next to them and wait. A teenage boy and girl come out. I jump down a fast as light, and knock them down. I grab both of their necks with both hands. I pin both of them against a tree, and make the tree branches grab them by the neck, waist, and feet. "Who are you? What are you?" I yell. " name is Nikki! I am a Steller! We are running away!" The girl yells out. "Seriously? Don't tell her anything!" The boy yells back in a stern voice. Nikki tells us that her friends' name is Mark, and that they are running away. "Why are you running away?" I ask. Ryan drops down from the tree and lands next to me. "We don't want to steal gemstones! We think it is. . . wrong!" The girl said swiftly. I look at the boy, and see him get out a knife and hide it behind his back. I see the girl looking at my gemstone. I tuck it into my shirt and punch Mark. "What the-" The boy yells as blood drips out of his mouth. "You are lying! You are trying to steal my gemstone!" I scream. Nikki sighs, and Mark screams. "You have a red one! Can you blame us?!" Nikki yells through tears. Mark tries to cut me with his knife, and I duck. I punch the tree, and Nikki and Mark are sling shotted from the tree all the way to the land behind us. They both scream,and curse at us. I smile and use my magic to get Ash down from the tree. I put a levitation spell on him, and we continue toward Archway. "Was that necessary?" Ryan asks as we walk. "Was it necessary getting you out of the oversized potato sack necessary?" I reply with a toothy smile and he stays quiet.

We make it to Archway and we quickly travel to the infirmary. "Hey Samantha! Oh no, your brother! Gianna! Ava! Help me get Ash!" Shayna yells. Shayna is a nurse and also my next door neighbor. "Coming!" Yells Gianna as her blond hair blows behind her. I look up and see Ava sprinting toward us. Ava and Gianna carry Ash to the back and start treating his cuts and burn. "We will try to slow down his death..." Ava yells as she grabs a large yellow bottle. Gianna closes the curtain, and I turn around.
I walk out with Ryan and we head to my house. "Welcome back Ms. Samantha! We have been waiting for you." Ben says as he opens the door. Ben is our weird, creepy butler. He has dark skin, brown eyes, is extremely tall, and carries a towel everywhere. Today he was wearing his blue suit. "Ash got his gemstone taken away so he is in the infirmary." I say to Ben. His eyes bug out of his head and his jaw drops. "WHAT!" He yells. He looks around and clears his throat. "Well, I hope he gets better." He says flushed. I smile and walk inside. Our house (well, mansion) is huge. We have 74 175 square foot rooms, 30 bathrooms, 5 weapon/training rooms, 3 kitchens, 5 living areas, and many more. My dad is the King of Archway. "Samantha, my darling! Where is Ash?" My father says. " his gemstone taken away. He is in the infirmary." I reply. My father's jaw drops, and he sits down. Ryan follows me and I introduce him to my father. I show Ryan 'his' room, and head to my own. My room is the biggest, besides my father's. It is painted blue with tiny sharp gold stars floating in the air (My security). I push one out of the way as I walk toward my bed. I hear my floorboards creak, and form a shield around me. I whistle and stars circle the intruder."Ahhh! What the?" I hear someone yell. I turn around and see it was Ryan. I whistle again and the stars float away. "Geez!" Ryan says. I apologize, and sit down. "I need to get my brothers gemstone back." I say. I get up and go to my bookshelf. I pull down four different books and a door to the weapons room opens. It is full of guns, throwing knives, daggers, short swords, bows, arrows, and pretty much every weapon you can think of. Ryan takes down a silver axe and swings it around. He swings it a little too hard and it slips out of his grasp. Ben enters the room and as the axe lands above his head, his five, thick, straight, green hairs cut in half and falling to the floor. Ben looks up and keeps walking forward. "No playing with axes in the house please. Use the guns and bows in the shooting range, and the other weapons outside. Thank you. Here is your tea and angel cakes. I will go and fetch your horses for your daily ride." Ben says. He sets the tray down and leaves. I glare at Ryan and his face turns red. I take the axe out of the doorway and put it back in the closet. I set the books back up and close the doors. I drink some tea and hand some cakes and a cup of tea to Ryan. "Eat and drink up. We get his gemstone back tomorrow." I say as I exit to change out of my dress.

Gemstones: The Steller's RebellionWhere stories live. Discover now