Chapter 10

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"Open the gates!" I scream. Nothing happened. "I am Lady Samantha! Open the gates!" I scream one last time. I sigh, and Ryan asks, "Can't we just destroy the gate, or put a hole in it?" I shake my head and reply, "Well, these gates are no magic. And I don't wanna jeopardize the citizen's safety." Ryan nods, and I take out my knife....well the one made for picking locks. I set Leah down gently, and walk toward the gates. I stick the knife in the lock, and it springs open. "Works like a charm." I say as I help Ryan lift up Leah. I look at Leah's ankles, and see they are healed. "Leah, can you walk now?" I ask. She nods, and we set her down once more. She walks forward, but the stop abruptly, and stands flat against the wall. Ryan and I do the same. "Stellers have taken over your kingdom. The citizens are in line, giving them their gemstones!" Leah whispers. I lift one finger up, and a house collapses. Ryan and Leah stare at me, and I say, "What? No one was in there!" I say a bit too loud.
While all the Stellers look at the demolished house, one walks our way. "Hold on." Leah says as she climbs onto the roof of the house we are standing against. She crawls silently onto her stomach, and waits. "Who is over here!" The Steller announces. Leah jumps onto his back, and punches him in the nose. Blood gushes everywhere, and the Steller collapses....unconscious. "Nice." I say. We drag his body in a nearby hole at the construction site, and put wood and dirt over him for good measure. Leah smiles, and we sprint to my mansion. I barge through the door first, to find my house empty....except for furniture of course. I hear mumbling from the kitchen, and walk slowly toward the noise. I form a fireball in my hand, and look to see that the noise is coming from the pantry. "Be quiet!" I hear someone yell...and I assume it is a Steller. I hear mumbling, and barge through the pantry doors. "Hey!" I hear a Steller yell. I throw the fireball at his face, and he collapses into the pastries. I see my father, Ben, Gianna, Ava, Jasmine, and Shayna chained up and gagged. We untie all them and take off their gags. "WATCH OUT!" Gianna screams as I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head. I touch my gemstone, and it turns invisible...and the other's gemstones do as well. I collapse, and see Ryan and Leah on the ground with darts in the back of their necks. I feel a sharp pain in my neck, and my limbs become like jelly. I can't move, and fall asleep as I hear my father and the nurses scream as they are dragged away.

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